Hino crimson azalea

Looks fine to me ;) I did not know the Kurume hybrid could toss an odd or late bloom(s) - good to see :)


Grimmy, I believe the encore azaleas are in fact Kurume hybrids.
Encores are hybrids of Kurume and Southern Indica parents. Hino Parent species are R. obtusum kuand R. kiusianum making Hino a Dwarf or slow and low grower. I think both are nice honest.

This is timely and interesting for me.
In the first week of July I bought two little trees from Brussel's by way of Amazon, and they were described as 5-year old Satsuki, 8-10" tall with [nice] ceramic pots. Normally thirty bucks, on sale for twelve. [Tremendous packaging job, BTW.] A couple of days ago, I noticed that one of them had developed two blossom buds, which are slowly proceeding to open. They're showing a beautiful magenta pink color. I can't wait to see them unfurl.
I was under the impression that satsukis bloomed only in June, so this was a source of some bafflement to me. One tends to believe that animals generally don't make dumb mistakes, and plants know what time of year it is. I remain puzzled by just why this little guy is blooming "off cycle", but am thankful for the surprise treat of a little bit of beauty.
I was under the impression that satsukis bloomed only in June, so this was a source of some bafflement to me.

They will throw a random bloom out on occasion like Quince and some other plants are known to do - enjoy :)

I believe the encore azaleas are in fact Kurume hybrids.

Yeah, it is a bit of a maze on Kurume Identification - over 700 varieties out there and many are very close to each other. For example the Encore and Red Cherry :eek:

Nice azalea Brian.

I've had a random bloom on one or two of my azaleas this year too.

It's been a very weird year.
This tree has been really good to me. It's easy to care for, has small leaves, hasn't given any real issues with bugs or fungus(i don't treat it with anything).

My only complaint is that it I'd like it to have a better shape, but that falls on me with wiring and pruning. Its in straight kanuma with a layer of kiryu on the top. It will get some more wire next year.

As for the pot(yamaaki i think), I like it because it was the right size, I had it on hand and I like the color. I'm not sure about the shape and feet though. I tend to think it's too large and makes the trunk look smaller.
Getting started with flowers. Perhaps not as strong as in years past, probably in need of a repot after two years. Better shape overall now I think but spots without flowers and weak in general, leaves more sorting to do.
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