Hino crimson azalea

Would you mind sharing your soil mix? Has it changed throughout the year?

Just bought a Hino-Crimson myself and try not to kill it ;)
Would you mind sharing your soil mix? Has it changed throughout the year?

Just bought a Hino-Crimson myself and try not to kill it ;)
Sorry just saw this. It’s straight kanuma.
Well this one took an absolute beating last year after flowering. It had some sort of insect issue and I lost what seemed like a ton of branching. It sulked the rest of the year. I removed all dead branches. it had one or two flower buds so there was no show this past spring, it seems to be rehabbing ok and growth is coming back but it’s going to take a while to fill in in the front lower left.

oh well, first time in my care it’s ever really had an issue.

Gosh, sorry. This sure looks like a lace bug attack, followed by sun bleaching.

Lace bugs have traveled up the West Coast a couple decades ago, not surprisingly they are now in New York from reports in the past years too.

Many Azaleas are susceptible. Hino Crimson is particularly so. (We’ve lots out West). But take heart, they don’t kill the plants, but sure can make then look terrible if totally infected. Check underside of the leaves
IMG_9878.jpeg Lacebug frass. Medium attack.
IMG_9879.jpeg From this 40yoa tree…

One thing that helps is to keep the tree in less sun. Azaleas can get stressed in sun and high temperatures, that’s when lace bugs come out to play. so easing then into a bit more shade will ease the pressure…. But it won’t completely knock these pests down

The thing I found most effective is granular imidicloprid. In this form it’s easy to apply in really small doses. However please follow safety precautions… Mask, yes, gloves, wash up as it can be harmful over time.

It will knock the population totally down on a tree. As it’s a neonicotinoid, please do not use while blooming. Our routine is to apply right after blooming… usually no second dose is needed out here.

Once applied the new leaves will have no damage.

Good Luck,
DSD sends
Thanks @Deep Sea Diver for the informative reply. I'm sure you are spot on.

Hopefully it is back on the right track.
That’s awesome!

fwiw: One might consider putting this tree in a deeper pot next go around. The tree will thank you for it.

DSD sends
….likely even deep in a big 8-10” (can’t tell the size) tokoname training pot. This will allow the tree to get really strong in a couple years time and will really build out the nebari.

DSD sends
Great show B! Digging the old pot and new flowers vibe.
Thanks BVF. I think it's an older Yamaaki if i remember correctly. I'd have to double check the stamp to be sure.

I do like this pot a lot and have a tough time thinking of what else would make a better pairing. I do wonder though and always question how it would look in something with a different shape/shade.
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