Help me , I have a Hornbeam Problem!😱

I do need to develop the top for taper yes I agree, and thicken the branches.. But I don’t want it that much taller than it is. This is my benchmark for this American Hornbeam it’s quite similar , from BAA4F5E6-4A8B-4328-A82F-CECAFE9754F7.jpegBonsai south.
Looking good, fall colors on these are amazing.
Thanks mang , can’t wait to get out in the spring and collect more in spring. I was gonna go again and spot but I pulled my hamstring and surrounding musicales climbing around so I’m taking a break for a few more weeks
Yeah I’m going to get out next week and look around, I’m going to try and find some forest material. That sucks your down and out, hope you get better and find some good stuff.
This one seems to have all the limbs in the right places. Should be a great tree someday
Thank you I’m looking forward to working on it and putting into a more appropriate container.. it may be ready for a bonsai container just because I have a customer Iker for it and it’s already at desired size .. nothing a sacrificial branch can’t do to bring the tree up .. but we’ll see I’ll probably put into a terracotta bonsai round
You have a really nice start on this tree. I think it is going to be really nice once you get it further developed.
Thank you , the game is to just grow everything out more next season especially top .. and also grow that bottom branch yet not lose the ramification
Collected American Hornbeam 2. This makes 5 American hornbeam bonsai projects for yours truly. And 7th Hornbeam overall.. This one wasn’t collected by me but it’s hailing from the down south. Ordering shade netting this week no more f-ing around. I’m addicted to Hornbeams, especially natives species over all. Collecting Pitch Pine in a couple weeks soon as location up north is above freezing.
Beautiful base.
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