Goji Experiment


Bonsai Nut alumnus... we miss you
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South East PA
The Goji...it's not back budding back further on the branches as I had hoped. Just where the prune cut was placed. Learning this Maybe slow going building ramification. But hoping to expose a bit more exposed roots during repot come spring. A love/hate relationship to say the least.

I took receipt of a small Goji earilier this year. Not Bonsai but potted.

It threw so much new foliage I had to stake it and hedge it back a lot. None of the growth was back buds on old wood...

I waited a few weeks and it continued the same whippy growth pattern so I hedged it again a couple of days ago. I took a few branches and tossed them in the cutting pot where I noticed they had small berries. I went back to the ragged looking thing and cut off any remaining berries. Why? As long as it is growing I am hoping to get actual back budding on the older branches... Now the wait...

Cuttings with berries -


Funky Goji experiment after berry and brank removal -


I figure if it works(redirecting auxins) and produces back buds I will have learned and be able to share. This one is yet another test plant anyways...

Cool stuff Grim. If you let the berries mature you can eat them and should be able to germinate the seeds as well if you choose. I want to get one of these to bonsai. Goji berries are a super fruit!
Cool stuff Grim. If you let the berries mature you can eat them and should be able to germinate the seeds as well if you choose. I want to get one of these to bonsai. Goji berries are a super fruit!

Yes indeed - we had some at the old place which inspired the purchase and between 3 bushes there were plenty for us and the birds. Here I have been slowly adding different plants types to replace all lost and this little one just happened to be available.
Seeing this one is doing OK I figured a back bud attempt or ten won't hurt :p
An inexpensive source to experiment with is Home Depot online in quart or one gallon sizes -

I had a plant last year and the berries tasted like a cross between a tomatoes and grass.
I had a gnarly twin trunk goji berry in my old garden, I had no clue at the time that people had such a love for them or I would've sent it to a member of bonsainut for free. I grew it from seed but it never fruited so I didn't bring it with me when I moved. Had decent-ish nebari but a great trunk, had half a mind to do something with it but I stick with trees usually. I used to hedge it 2 or 3 times a season. It would grow, what seemed like, 2 feet a month and then tip over. I remember taking cuttings from it a couple times, roughly a 50% success rate just shoving them in the dirt next to the mother plant and watering well.
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