Giant Sequoia - Browning bottom branches


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Philadelphia Suburbs
Hello Bonsai Enthusiasts,

New to Giant Sequoia trees and Bonsai in general.

Received a young Sequoia from the arbor day foundation last month that came super healthy looking. Tree arrived as a bare root.

Immediately after, I placed the tree in some organic conifer bonsai soil and placed it outside. I have been watering the tree every day, along with providing it with ~7 hours of morning sun, and it’s fully shaded in the afternoons to night. See attached pictures.

Over the past weekend, I noticed the lower leaves browning and it seems to be getting worst. I am not sure why…

Would love to hear any recommendations as to what I could do to help the tree along so it makes it through the summer as we are no where close to the hottest months in SouthEastern Pennsylvania.


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Shipping can be stressful on trees and I don't typically see folks here recommending bare rooting conifers. But that is all in the past, so let's work on getting the tree healthy.

When you say organic conifer soil I'm thinking you mean a soil that looks mostly like potting soil? More like dirt than rocks? If so then you might be over watering, especially for this time of year. soil like that can be very water retentive. Trees need to exchange oxygen out of the soil, if the soil is waterlogged they can't do that because there is water there instead.

You should check that the soil is dry at an inch below the top before watering.

Thanks for the reply!!

It’s not potting soil. When I say organic conifer soil, I mean it was organic bonsai soil from a reputable national dealer. My JBP, Colorado Blue Spruce and Juniper are thriving in it, which I water with the same frequency.
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