For Satsuki lovers

These are just stunning, so glad you shared. I agree with Sly, love the simplicity of the trunk on this one.
This one on the right is my favorite. It has such a simple and elegant look:
I like the twin trunk to the tree's right.
those leave me speechless (to most everyone's elation, no doubt!). The trunks and the canopies are unbelievable.
DJTommy, next time you're out, grab one like that and slip it into an envelope and mail it to me please. I promise I'll keep it quarantined for an appropriate amount of time...
I'm totally blown away!!thanks for sharing your experience.
Great post DJ! I am not an azalea guy but how can anybody not like this!!! Simply beautiful!!
it was truly amazing to see this exhibition, almost every tree was in full bloom and a big variaty of styles/ shapes.
i wasnt the big satsuki fan myself however i think i changed my mind after this exhibit, i got 2 myself mainly because my girlfriend likes them

Often japanese bonsai is refered to as clasical and sometimes even refered to as boring.
well its true you can see many classical, pine tree shaped trees however there is also lots of innovation here, trees that look like reall trees, uncommon styles, classical, you can see it all.
especially about deciduous i do think that lots of trees nowadays are made to look like reall trees, and judging from their aged look they must have been trained like that for long time.

sad thing is probably the average age of people that do bonsai here, it isnt cool to do bonsai and its basicly seen as an old peoples hobby,
the good thing from this is that this keeps the prices low, good for me.
those leave me speechless (to most everyone's elation, no doubt!). The trunks and the canopies are unbelievable.
DJTommy, next time you're out, grab one like that and slip it into an envelope and mail it to me please. I promise I'll keep it quarantined for an appropriate amount of time...
shall i make you a quotation? :)
Looks like a lovely cocktail waitress holding a tray of blooms...
now that sounds like a name for a style, that tree is also one of my favorite, Satsuki and shari can be good match
They are also often grown just for flowers not caring so much about the shape, shape is always same
not my favorite but many flowers can be nice too

mini-IMG_7418.JPG mini-CIMG0395.JPG

This one i uploaded before but this is better picture i think,
you dont see satsuki on a slab much and this one also has shari,i think it looks cool
I've had a few warn me azaleas don't take to shari. But then you see some amazing pieces and you just have to wonder if the info given them was false. I have one (not finished) that is being held for me with my plans on being out of the ship upon my return. It has shari and I like the look myself. Thanks for sharing even more beauty...
Love the azaleas....Almost impossible to find any over here with single trunks unless they are at a bonsai nursery and way out of my price range....I still look everytime I go to lowes or homedepot.

Love the azaleas....Almost impossible to find any over here with single trunks unless they are at a bonsai nursery and way out of my price range....I still look everytime I go to lowes or homedepot. Brian

Then grow yourself one. They are not at all difficult to root.
And once started grow very well in your area. Inside of a few
years - voila - you will have all the single trunks you want for
minimal investment.
I got 2 already started....One with about a 3/4" trunk and the bigger one with 1 1/2" maybe 2" trunk....However it will take years and years to get to the size of these. They both looked great in full bloom this year. I still enjoy them even if they are small.

I got 2 already started....However it will take years and years to get to the size of these. They both looked great in full bloom this year. I still enjoy them even if they are small.Brian
Despite what everyone seems to be seeking now--instant bonsai--there is no such critter.
Yes; "years and years" is pretty common. But bonsai, to me, is like a marathon relay across
the continent. I run my marathon; pass it to the next runner who in turn runs his, then passes
it to another to continue; and on and on and on . . . to great trees so far down the road that no
one will even remember you lived much less that you started that tree. Learn to take joy in what
you are doing right now while planning for the later. To me, it seems to take some of the "edge" off
of the [at times] futility we all feel from time to time.
Just my take on it.
It's my understanding every one of these were purchased at the local box store as everyday landscape plants they day before the exhibition. All that was done was a light trim and then they were slip potted into a bonsai pot. :rolleyes:
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