Since a bunch of you are updating their threads, here's mine.
Due to the lousy summer we had they only had 1 flush this year.
Here's my table of what I have left. 18 JBP's in collanders, 1 growing on a rock and 5 more somewhere in the ground.
Here's the one that I planted on a rock earlier this year. Putting it on the rock made it struggle for a while but now it's going good again. Has his buds ready for next year.
I also broke off the sacrifice branch on one of the collander ones while trying to bend the trunk a little more, so yes, they do break and aren't infinitelaby flexible. But now there's a little tree left. Let's see if we can grow a new sacrifice brach and maintain the little tree at the same time.
One of my bigger ones that has the curve at the base.
My neagari project is also doing good. Let's hope the action beneath the soil is ok to.
And the biggest one I have 72cm or 28.5". This one didn't receive any extreme trunk bending. Probably going to be a little bigger, slender tree.