Ezo Spruce #2

Thanks for sharing that wonderful progression on a wonderful tree. I think I understand better your concept of a Natural design.
Wow, that tree was collected the year I was born. In the pics in post #2, i notice that the soil looks very compact and sandy. Is that what broken down akadama looks like, or was it potted in something else? Really spectacular tree.
Wow, that tree was collected the year I was born. In the pics in post #2, i notice that the soil looks very compact and sandy. Is that what broken down akadama looks like, or was it potted in something else? Really spectacular tree.

This is akadama decomposed and this is why I say loud and clear that akadama is NOT good!!! At least in our climate and if you do not repot trees frequently. I leave such a tree un-repotted for more than 20 years. It would be dead if I used akadama.
This is akadama decomposed and this is why I say loud and clear that akadama is NOT good!!!

Makes me feel better that akadama is hard to get in my area. I've been using DE as a substitute in my soil mix and will be trying out a calcined clay next season. Thanks for the info!
Are the plants growing on the surface intentionally planted? Or remnants from the original field soil? Beautiful as always.
Are the plants growing on the surface intentionally planted? Or remnants from the original field soil? Beautiful as always.

These are mostly planted by myself. But after a while they go their own ways. This is fine - gives it a natural touch. This is naturalistic bonsai design.
These are mostly planted by myself. But after a while they go their own ways. This is fine - gives it a natural touch. This is naturalistic bonsai design.
Completely agree. Really helps sell the composition.
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