Donald Trump.

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Wow, you really are typical ain't ya?
Good liberals aren't OK with offending people...oh, right, unless it's a white guy getting offended...gotcha...
Well I don't know what color you are or who you are. No I don't want to be offensive. I said I was sorry for being offensive because that's who I am.
If republicans would have given me a viable candidate I may have voted red.
Sorry to be offensive
You weren't at all! You should be offended.
I tell you what.
If Trump came near my wife she would literally kick him in the crotch. Followed immediately by a kick to his face when he bent over. Just like I taught her.
My girls don't back down.
Neither should you or any woman standing up for what she feels is right.
Sorry Carol...But I'm a spicy gal...
I've not found a place yet...that is not afraid to have spicy gravy. They play it safe with brown sausage gravy that...sorry, to my taste is bland. I guess it's from having spicy growing up as a kid...even Bob Evans...and IHOP and such have such bland gravy. I like it spicy...Many butchering companies around here don't make their Italian sausage to my suiting. Only found one place that I don't have to add hot red pepper seeds to it. I won't have a pork processed anywhere but Kiko...or it's a waist of a hog.
LOTS of black pepper in the gravy!! My grandpa and dad were also butchers, and made their own sausage. We ate very well at our house! There's a special sausage they made only at Easter called Kobasi, not like Bob Evans keilbasa. Its' spicy and garlicky, yum. You would love it. We have all of dad's recipes, but only my brother actually makes any. There is no decent sausage at any of the grocery stores, or even butcher shops around here, guess I'm spoiled.
Finally the first fucking thing that makes sense.
Everything I post makes sense Jerry.
What doesn't make sense is fighting over a couple turds like street dogs.
I meant Don and Hill.
I'm sure real turds will be mad now for comparing them to those two but I can't please everyone.
LOTS of black pepper in the gravy!! My grandpa and dad were also butchers, and made their own sausage. We ate very well at our house! There's a special sausage they made only at Easter called Kobasi, not like Bob Evans keilbasa. Its' spicy and garlicky, yum. You would love it. We have all of dad's recipes, but only my brother actually makes any. There is no decent sausage at any of the grocery stores, or even butcher shops around here, guess I'm spoiled.
I bet I would LOVE your folks sausage then! I have a butchering place 35 minutes from me...but drive an hour and a half to one who can butcher and season pork. Is that sad? So finding a farmer who will deliver one that the key.
I bet I would LOVE your folks sausage then! I have a butchering place 35 minutes from me...but drive an hour and a half to one who can butcher and season pork. Is that sad? So finding a farmer who will deliver one that the key.
I've been complimented on my sausage before.
You weren't at all! You should be offended.
I tell you what.
If Trump came near my wife she would literally kick him in the crotch. Followed immediately by a kick to his face when he bent over. Just like I taught her.
My girls don't back down.
Neither should you or any woman standing up for what she feels is right.
In person it would be different.
I'm just trying to be polite on the internet. I still want to learn bonsai.
If I get in a fight here then no one will help me with my trees.
it's on a fucking bonsai forum.
Maybe you missed it... its in the tea room section. Best of all... it doesn't interfere with bonsai time. If it does with yours, then bring your tea in a flask. You can have it at your bench...;)
I understand you wanting to protect our police- my father was one.
My cousin is one and my nephew is applying soon.
My greatest desire would be to have this country stand together. I don't believe either candidate will fully unite this country.
I know as a woman you have a stance on abortion- I just don't think it's the governments business to be involved in that.
I have spoke to my dozen muslim friends since Paris. They believe in God just as you and I do. We have had many in depth talks- Paris really got to me!
The attacks of terror are not Gods will.
Suicide is a sin to them.
Suicide bombers go to hell.
My sister committed suicide- I cannot condem her. If i can forgive her then my God would be able to also.
I do not fear the Muslim faith.
That took balls, as they say...

I hope that all the women of the USA who feel unrepresented do the right thing.

You are doing the right thing.
You clearly have no concept of economics or the free market.
In the United States prior to 1982 the majority of average income growth during economic expansions went to the bottom 90% (blue), but trickle down shifted that to the top 10%
We have been in supply side economics/trickle down since Reagan. Doesn't work. My father was a fire fighter in the 80s. He made almost as much then as they do now. Same goes for a lot of jobs.
In order to believe this, you have to actually twist everything he's said the way CNN does first.
It's offensive to hear you say that, and so far from reality, it's scary.
Sorry man but every thing you believe right now is based on lies.
That took balls, as they say...

I hope that all the women of the USA who feel unrepresented do the right thing.

You are doing the right thing.
I respect you very much sir!
Love your trees.
I value diversity in my country.
I love meeting people of all backgrounds and I love having deep conversations with open minded people.
It is my favorite thing.
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In the United States prior to 1982 the majority of average income growth during economic expansions went to the bottom 90% (blue), but trickle down shifted that to the top 10%
We have been in supply side economics/trickle down since Reagan. Doesn't work. My father was a fire fighter in the 80s. He made almost as much then as they do now. Same goes for a lot of jobs.
Average CEO in 1970 made 30x what the employees made. Now they make over 200x what there workers make. Gooooo trickle down!
In person it would be different.
I'm just trying to be polite on the internet. I still want to learn bonsai.
If I get in a fight here then no one will help me with my trees.
Oh c'mon, we can separate ourselves from politics, can't we?
Yikes! So much to spin my Yin-Yang approach, I can't keep up.
Still planning on getting up at 4:30 am for work, though.......:(;):cool: :D:D:D:D:D
Oh c'mon, we can separate ourselves from politics, can't we?
I just mean texting or internet- you can't see the expression on my face or hear the tone of my voice.
Debating in person is much easier- more friendly. We could debate for hours in person and I would love it.
I'm sure we would agree on many things and disagree on a few.
I have faith in the human race that we are good people for the most part.
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