Donald Trump.

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Do I understand this correct?:
- Clinton wins, Congress blunts most of what she wants to do for two years, then the Dems gain control of Congress and get policy passed or the Reps keep control and keep blunting. If something truly criminal/illegal comes up she can be impeached.
- Trump wins, Congress allows the realistic stuff and blunts the goofy stuff (walls etc.), in two years if Trump is truly awful Dems could gain control of Congress and start blocking policy, or Reps keep control and keep mitigating policy. If he is truly awful and tries anything illegal he can be impeached.

Is this mostly accurate? My knowledge of American politics mostly comes from old episodes of Schoolhouse Rock.
Nobody wins.
I think to a lot of people, this election is going to be like asking most voters if they had a choice; "Which would you prefer... to step in, and get dog shit between the toes on your right foot, or your left?"
I like it between the toes of both feet.
I feel more balanced.
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