Damn hail!


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On the Alberta, Saskatchewan border
Went out to dinner yesterday, while we were out, we got nailed be a nasty hail storm. Left over 3" of the white crap. Wrecked my veggies, my elephant trees, and knocked a pile of needles/twigs off this one.
Wow!!! What was the size of the balls?? I've seen a few over the years here in NJ. Usually only lasted a few minutes. Very interesting weather anomaly. Your plants will be fine. Your trees have many years of weathering these type of storms. Will probably compensate to your advantage. Nice looking group in the picture.
Good luck with your trees my Northern friend.
I agree, that thing looks like it's pushing enough candle growth to withstand a small tornado. Too bad about the veggies though. Although I've heard stories about tomatos coming back from hail well enough that sometimes people will go out and beat them with brooms to mimic the damage... no lie, an old oklahoma story I heard.
tomatos coming back from hail well enough that sometimes people will go out and beat them with brooms to mimic the damage.

LOL Don't believe every thing you hear from them Sooners. Jersey Tomatoes are the best. I have nevér beat mine. Interesting fact however.
Hail wasn't huge, marble to quarter size, big enough! I have several large trembling aspen, a couple birch's, and a few ornamental trees. Looking at the rings of leaves/small branches underneath them today, you would think they were shot up by a machine gun!! Leaves missing, leaves with holes clean through them, dents in the bark, crazy! The missus is ticked all her flowers/plants look like they were ravaged by a heard of ravenous goats! :D
Yes a very vivid description of the damage. Ravenous goats! Tell the missus although they can knock you down --You/they will surely rise again stronger than before.It is the circle of life.
Melted squirrels, V.C., mites, fungus, borers, Japanese Beetles, rabbits, birds, deer, those GD little black sumbytches........

If only all our problems melted away... Wouldn't that be grand!

No broke pots! Plus.
You're supposed to damage pepper plants to make em hotter. Judy's story is probly accurate.

I bet it comes back nicer than before!

You fellows up north don't know what hail is, come on down to Texas and see some real hail (soft ball to grapefruit size). :) I've had to have two roofs replaced in 5 years time, and that's nothing compared to what they go through in west Texas. I almost lost my whole bonsai collection when 3 hail storms went through in one night while I was at work. If it wasn't for my son being home and trying his best to move everything I would have lost them for sure. :-(
I had left a plastic watering can out that night and there was literally nothing left of it. Anyway glad you only had minimal damage. :)
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