Stressful start to the new school year
That's what we say in French : Courage !
Trying to beat an addiction is an everyday struggle. Don't give up.
I don't know if you're a student or a teacher, but when I was a pupil, then a student, then a teacher, the start of the knew school year stressed me too, but in a positive way : new fellow-students or teachers, a time to build something new, an almost clean slate. Exciting in fact.
Two weeks ago, I went to the tobacconist's to buy a pouch of tobacco, In spite of patches and e-cig, I still haven't managed to give up the habit. There was a guy drinking a beer at the counter, and he said "Hey, hello MR K. Remember me , I was the troublemaker in (...)". I didn't remember him, until he said his family name (family names are more diverse than first names, that were mainly "traditional" names at that time, or "new trendy" ones)
Oh, yes, I remember now. That was 30 years ago. He had changed more than I had ! Fair-haired blue-eye boys with glasses and a moustache or beard are probably less common here than in other places.
He offered me a beer, he was just back from his best friend's birthday party, but it was near 11 AM -I never drink so early, so I declined his offer. When I left, he thanked me : though he was a real pain in the.. neck, he never felt I despised him, and never punished him. He thanked me for "everything I did for them". Obviously still a bit drunk, but that really came from the heart, and I felt proud...
I always tried to sort out any problem with my pupils, not sending them to the principal's office or giving them detention. In the last school I was, in almost twenty years, I think the number of hours fo detention I gave can be counted on Django Reinhardt's left hand. <LOL>
To me, the "human factor" is 50% of what makes the difference. He was not a good pupil, but now he has his own business, a wife and 2 children, and it's always a reward to see that you didn't destry kids, that they could become responsible adults.
So :
Courage !
PS : I was never drunk, or stoned on the job. Just missed 1 or 2 days in a school year because of a hangover, that's all.
I've always thought that everybody has their qualities, sometimes, they are not "school" qualities, but if you treat children right, and don't discourage them, they will become citizens that will have their place in society, and be happy - for happiness is just moments of happiness, but everyone soon learns that without a 12-year course...