Corny jigs

"Corny jig" : it probably needs a more modern interpretation, but I saw a video on TV, 5 yr-old kids were singing it in a subway, or car-park, and it was tear bringing. There must be versions with English subtitles.

Corny? Cheesy?

When I played that, I always thought of my uncle Stash who joined the Frnch army to fight the nazis. He was in a prisoners' camp in Germany after the "débacle". He escaped, and swam across the Rhine in February.
He tried to hid in a barn.
In the morning, the Nazis came to fetch him and bring him to a concentration camp. The collaborators had given him up.
He survived, at that time he wasn't "the uncle that swallowed three footballs". He drank a lot.

Don't know how you call this sort of "country sub-style" but i've heard that kind of jigs before, people talking on a simple melody line, like :

The ancestor of rap music?

Or this one that, in spite of its "menuet feel", to me relates more to reggae music. I have the double LP in my basement :

I might use the word pensive for this tune.

Ragtime piano music is usually very jumpy, but Scott Joplin wrote other music pieces that, though dated, I admit, show a real sensitivity. One of my favourite by him is "Heliotrope Bouquet". I first heard a guitar version of it...

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