Nope still not buying it. This is doubling down on intervention in the environment and a self-indulgent salve for your conscience. You've already taken something, yet feel compelled to dictate what should replace what you've taken. Nature doesn't need you. It will replace what you've taken with what IT wants. A vacancy in the wild is soon filled. There isn't a valid reason to search out and find a seed (if it's the right seed or not a local cultivar, etc.) Filling in the hole you've created is about as far as you should intrude after collecting a tree. Nature will take care of the rest. Plenty of other plants there to take the place.
There is no danger of hoards of yamadori collectors depleting a stock of literally BILLIONS of trees here in North America, a continent 35 times larger than Japan with fewer people, fewer bonsaists, and a relative handful of yamadori collectors. Ain't enough of us to clear cut ten acres for crying out loud...