Thanks leo, I did go ahead and thin the suckers down to one in each area they came up. If the trunk of this tree never does bud out, I'll most likely use the suckers as large caliper root cuttings to make several trees from.The roots obviously have some life in them, and are producing suckers. You need to keep the roots alive, so at least some of the suckers are needed to feed the roots. But you really only need a couple. I would thin out the ones that are not spaced right for a "Forest style". If you are lucky, eventually the trunk will bud, but if you are not it won't. It is always a crap shoot when you collect a trunk. There is no 100% guarantee. Just let nature take its course. Give the trunk an entire summer to bud out. If it doesn't bud out by September, it probably won't. Then decide whether or not you want to work with the suckers or scrap it and look for another trunk for next year.
I appreciate your advice.