JBP SEEDLING CUTTINGS!!! Co2 fertilization…bigtime healthy.
These are in 2” stonewool blocks this year and I really want them to be a block full of roots.
I just brought the first wave outside today!
One afternoon in full sun and they already have turned a nicer ,darker green.It does not take long.These will start growing quite rapidly and bulk up a bit for sale.
Like 2-3 weeks will do these masive justice.It is absolutely amazing what the outdoors does for these co2 fertilized starters….they jump into growth quite phoenominally.
Very good starters!
Only 3 mnths old…….gotta love co2 fertilized starters……big time jump on the grow season.
Another 150 in the tents yet and will bring them out when they catch up and will have another 300 or so later on this season.
These are quite tall and have about 5” almost of trunk.In 5 mnths these should be sale ready and be quite bushy.
Starting the first shoots very slowly and under extra blue spectrum lighting for compact first nodes and backbudding to get the bushiest possible start……that way many branches mean instant Broom starter.
I will feed these a motherplant propogation formula for the entire 5 mnth cycle to fascilitate a very easy ringbark approach for those who would like to air/ground-layer for better roots……this can be at ground or just below for a clump………These will fully root in 2 weeks for sure from a girdle or ringbark air/layer method………I just do not have the time to do this to 300 or more of these.
I will sell these quite cheaply……..
I will aim for all Broom style.
Just look at the picture and imagine a proper 5” or longer trunk…..instead of 2” like this first attempt last winter…(first before last picture).
**** also recommended to not use rooting gel on the zelkova ring barks or you’ll end up with the ugly hormone lumps that I did on the little test example in the picture****