I never saw it with the big branch.Adair, was flush-cutting the big branch a mistake in PAnd he had gotten a little bit of fungus and we kill the fungus but the buds at all, stop growing for a year and they had it so then I had to clean all that stuff out toyour view? Would it have healed quicker to do it in, say, 2 steps (like some do with JM), or to leave a big stub and reduce it over the years?
Was it the right thing to do to remove it? Probably not. For it’s style, it appeared to be an excellent example of the style. The lady who owned it I’m sure approved of the removal. It is what it is. I can hide the scar with some bits of bark. Until I saw the pictures in Golden Moments, I had no idea what had happened to create the scar.
On the other hand, would a tree with a three foot low branch be very attractive?
I don’t know how the cut was done. Did they leave a peg? Don’t know. Would the Ebihara technique of removing a notch in stages have helped the healing? Probably. The branch was removed long before anyone knew of Mr. Ebihara and his advanced techniques. All I can do is give it the best care I can.