Haven't posted an update in awhile!
My Ryusen maple getting some nice fall color.
The American Beech I collected a few years back
This collected Canadian Hemlock had some health issues this year but is recovering nicely.
The rescued Bloodgood maple from my front yard.
I'm hoping my Ohio Buckeye makes it because the hollow trunk looks awesome. Might be TOO hollow...
The crabapple forest that I got from someone here was eaten by rabbits a couple of years ago and that set it back.
The peve minaret bald cypress documented earlier in this thread.
Love the root over rock look on this trident
My collected eastern white pine
50 year old yamadori ponderosa pine from Golden Arrow
My first bonsai that lived, a procumbens nana. A bunch of my trees are showing nitrogen deficiency after too much compost tea last year.
The mugo enci that has made several appearances here.
The shimpaku juniper that I threaded thru a rock. Has been growing wild and will be getting some major work in the spring.
Got this 100 year old douglas fir from Todd Shlaffer last year. It is still recovering from being collected.