Cable's Collection

Nice. I might be looking to pick up something if theres something that calls to me. If you want you can shoot me a PM and you might have something sold before you go. 😁
I haven’t really decided what I’m taking yet, aside from a couple of failed experiments I’ll be selling on the cheap.

Anything in particular you’re looking for?
Nothing really specific other then looking to pick up a couple more broadleaf trees.
All I have available in broadleaf are some ilex and serissa. I'll send you info later.
Rushing everything into inorganic Bonsai soil won’t help in the long run. It’s good practice though to learn how to water i guess.
What is this swap meet you speak of?? @Cable & @Warpig, Didn't see anything on the Cleveland Bonsai Club page.

I should probably start posting that stuff on the regular website, huh? It was just decided a couple of days ago. The people in charge aren't always good at planning in advance...

EDIT: Ok, added to website, thanks for the idea.
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Started pulling things out of winter storage this weekend. We have a freeze predicted for next weekend so I'm using the greenhouse for the more sensitive stuff. Put up one of my "new" greenhouse benches, too. The second one goes where one of the winter beds is currently located so will have to wait.

Got some updates from this weekend.

Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra). This was collected from the wild two years ago and I plan to pot it up next spring.

This Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia) was an air layer separated in February.

Trident maple (Acer buergerianum) root over rock (limestone)

Juniper blue chip on a piece of lace rock

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ryusen)

Crabapple forest planting with moss

One of my benches

Juniper procumbens nana in a training pot


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Collected white pine (Pinus strobus) got a first styling this spring. I'll check the roots next year but it will probably stay in the oil pan while I build branching.

Seems like every spring this Jupiper squatama 'holger' gets a new look. Lots of buds on this one, too.

This Juniper squamata 'holger' was picked up last year and is looking good. Lots of bright yellow buds!

My little mugo pine (Pinus mugo 'teeny') is finally getting a little bigger.

Juniper chinensis 'San Jose' root over rock (limestone).

Nice little Juniper chinensis shimpaku rock planting.

My chunky Japanese maple (Acer palmatum 'bloodgood') has the primary branches under construction.

My collected American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum 'peve minaret' ) are still waking up.

My Brazilian Rain Tree (Chloroleucon tortum) did not like the recent cold snap. Lots of damaged leaves but it will regrow just fine.

Canadian hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) collected from the wild two years ago. It is coming along nicely.
Some great material there. Still love checking your updates. The Elm airlayer seems to be doing good.
Took a few updated shots today. Posting with progressions.

Acer ryusen
acer ryusen 2018.jpgacer ryusen 2019.jpgacer ryusen 2020.jpg

Azalea Karen
azalea karen 2019.jpgazalea karen 2020.jpg

Bald Cypress (Peve Minaret)
bald cypress 2018.jpgbald cypress 2019.jpgbald cypress 2020.jpg

American Beech
beech 2019.jpgbeech 2020.jpg
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