BRT Leaves Drooping after repot

Update, left the radiator near where I keep my tropicals on for 2 days to give the floor more heat
Such a nice BRT, glad he has stopped sulking!
Update, left the radiator near where I keep my tropicals on for 2 days to give the floor more heat and this guy decided he wasn’t mad anymore.
Good for you, it's a really nice tree.
Thank you! I bought it as pre bonsai nothing done to it. I really didnt wanna see it die, gonna let everything grow out and go from there.
Update on the tree, the leaves are still only open in the morning time and close up and droop at about 1pm, I’m wondering if this could have something to do with the lower half of soil staying too moist? I did put sphagnum moss under the top layer of soil along with the nursery’s bonsai mix they make. I’ve looked at some of the roots that came up out of the soil when I was checking if I needed to water and they look healthy.
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