Boxwood progression

Beautiful tree!
Starting my end of summer cut back on the boxwoods. The critiques of this one at the club show were that it's too full, too wide, and too much of the trunk is hidden. And they were absolutely right. Since I'm not going to show it this year for sure, I did a pretty brutal cut back, including cutting out some mistakes I made in the past.

Here it is before:

boxwood single trunk 29Aug24 1.jpg

Here's what I took out of it.boxwood single trunk 29Aug24 2.jpg

Here's some mistakes I cut out to start over. These are the "lollipop" limbs - too straight for too long before I started developing branching.

boxwood single trunk 29Aug24 3.jpg

And finally, the result. It still may be too dense at the top, but it looks more open in person.

boxwood single trunk 29Aug24 4.jpg

You can see some gaps where I removed the "lollipops"

boxwood single trunk 29Aug24 5.jpg
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