Bonsai Work Based on Lunar Events

The religious purposes for the structures, however, are no longer around...

They say we labeled stuff religious and it never really was. One case, the pyramid isn't a tomb.

We assigned religious ideas to things we couldn't figure out.

Inca built their walls,

They are aware of the Incan building techniques, the small block built stop the megaliths, it's the older interlocking methods they still can't explain.

I have a theory of a period of less gravity, which is possible with simply a less solid core of Earth.

We train Camels, why not brontosaurus?

Forgive me of people still think we didn't live amongst dinosaurs. Hell, it could have been a large mammoth species unfound yet that helped is build these structures.

We've all seen "things flying across the sky", and things they claim to be "craters from asteroids", bit I still don't believe it.

They say the proof is the "space metals" surrounding the sight. They say Earth is made from "space junk", so why not a Volcanoe?
I think Volcanoes melted the ice sheets and caused the floods, and every crater.

There are writings of comets in the air, but never strikes, the only thing to ever "come from the sky" in text is People. Gods.

Fear of a place called space is very human.

Splain that.

I grew up in rural areas all over the country. Knew many farmers, ranches, orchard owners, etc. Some used "non-traditional" methods because they believed in them, like trying rubber bands around bulls testicles to make them atrophy and drop off. Yeah, it worked, but probably wasn't the most effective way to make a steer. Hell the Druids used human sacrifice to push crop production, but that's now not Politically Correct...There is a HUGE difference between engineering skills and capabilities and agriculture. Pyramids were built using math (science) not mystical woo-woo (although magic is just science before it's science--there may be science involved with lunar planting, but so far, it's not proving out that well-). Megalith circles and pyramids used not only engineering, but astronomical math--predictable, hard math...The religious purposes for the structures, however, are no longer around...
That's the problem; as soon as someone associates a practice to something religious in nature it is automatically diminished in some people's eyes and then egnored or vilified.
People living in a low-noise environments with idle time to think, have had the opportunity to let their intuition commune with the border of chaos. Their art and rituals and stories were right on the cusp of what was known and unknown. The memorable stuff, which has been preserved, is true and beautiful, but we arent always sure why. Possibly no more certain than they were, but its true nonetheless. By our standards possibly even true by accident; the way an engineer can figure something out quite unscientifically, in the technical sense.
They say we labeled stuff religious and it never really was. One case, the pyramid isn't a tomb.

We assigned religious ideas to things we couldn't figure out.

They are aware of the Incan building techniques, the small block built stop the megaliths, it's the older interlocking methods they still can't explain.

I have a theory of a period of less gravity, which is possible with simply a less solid core of Earth.

We train Camels, why not brontosaurus?

Forgive me of people still think we didn't live amongst dinosaurs. Hell, it could have been a large mammoth species unfound yet that helped is build these structures.

We've all seen "things flying across the sky", and things they claim to be "craters from asteroids", bit I still don't believe it.

They say the proof is the "space metals" surrounding the sight. They say Earth is made from "space junk", so why not a Volcanoe?
I think Volcanoes melted the ice sheets and caused the floods, and every crater.

There are writings of comets in the air, but never strikes, the only thing to ever "come from the sky" in text is People. Gods.

Fear of a place called space is very human.

Splain that.

This is ridiculous. Of course building methods can be explained without resorting to magic, alien ET interventions, or magical ET alien interventions. It just takes research, not the underestimation of human reasoning and capabilities that is implicit in such bullshit. The methods for construction the pyramids are not mystical, evidence of its human-made origins abound (far beyond the History channel's ratings grab programming) The human methods of construction of Stone Henge are being revolutionized as we post here. Same for the woo-woo Easter Island heads. It never fails to amaze me the crap people fall for when it comes to this kind of thing. humans have been extremely capable for eons, tackling and solving some pretty tough things--that includes modern agriculture, which unshackled from mystical bullshit--has put a very large dent in world famine, creating crops and techniques (that involve chemicals, for crying out loud) that have exponentially increased yields. Despite the urge to pull things back to the stone age, where "natural" killed millions of us.
I grew up in rural areas all over the country. Knew many farmers, ranches, orchard owners, etc. Some used "non-traditional" methods because they believed in them, like trying rubber bands around bulls testicles to make them atrophy and drop off. Yeah, it worked, but probably wasn't the most effective way to make a steer. Hell the Druids used human sacrifice to push crop production, but that's now not Politically Correct...There is a HUGE difference between engineering skills and capabilities and agriculture. Pyramids were built using math (science) not mystical woo-woo (although magic is just science before it's science--there may be science involved with lunar planting, but so far, it's not proving out that well-). Megalith circles and pyramids used not only engineering, but astronomical math--predictable, hard math...The religious purposes for the structures, however, are no longer around...
I know there have been a surprising number of correlations and some have been disproven but the old farmers almanac for _______(I cant remember where) was the one studied and scientist did soil temp surveys etc and arrived within I believe it was 2-3 days and am 99% sure was definitely less than a week off from when tradition said to plant. I’m all for science but even if a tradition isn’t understood or matched to science yet that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. I only have the one example that showed specific results that match that I personally know of. But these traditions go back possibly thousands of years. There has to be a reason for it in my mind. Most traditions that aren’t based in solid evidence don’t last thousands of years. And those that do are usually societal. If they’re agricultural they’re usually regional and persist because they work. Someone said they had 200 more trees etc. I wonder if they could go back and check potting dates on pottings that had amazing vs mediocre results and compare those to moon cycles. I know some of the elder statesmen as well as us newbs believe in records! Maybe we can find a hidden correlation or disprove it. Maybe it only applies to certain species? I’d love to know if it works!
This is ridiculous. Of course building methods can be explained without resorting to magic, alien ET interventions, or magical ET alien interventions. It just takes research, not the underestimation of human reasoning and capabilities that is implicit in such bullshit. The methods for construction the pyramids are not mystical, evidence of its human-made origins abound (far beyond the History channel's ratings grab programming) The human methods of construction of Stone Henge are being revolutionized as we post here. Same for the woo-woo Easter Island heads. It never fails to amaze me the crap people fall for when it comes to this kind of thing. humans have been extremely capable for eons, tackling and solving some pretty tough things--that includes modern agriculture, which unshackled from mystical bullshit--has put a very large dent in world famine, creating crops and techniques (that involve chemicals, for crying out loud) that have exponentially increased yields. Despite the urge to pull things back to the stone age, where "natural" killed millions of us.
100% on board with this but maybe it’s not woo woo, maybe it’s just a part of the earths cycles we don’t understand.
This is ridiculous.


We do know what it would take to build these structures, and to think it was accomplished in this gravity, or without larger machinery than we have is what is ridiculous.

The rough time they agree it would take in this gravity without larger machinery than we have is so long, to think they are built for farming OR religion is stupid.

I'm sorry, but that advanced, even people aren't so stupid to waste all that time on these projects.

But they are what they are, and they do what they do, so it only makes sense that they were built with larger machinery than we have currently.
There is evidence for this.

So again...which part is ridiculous?

If we are thinking with open minds, none of it is.

I know there have been a surprising number of correlations and some have been disproven but the old farmers almanac for _______(I cant remember where) was the one studied and scientist did soil temp surveys etc and arrived within I believe it was 2-3 days and am 99% sure was definitely less than a week off from when tradition said to plant. I’m all for science but even if a tradition isn’t understood or matched to science yet that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. I only have the one example that showed specific results that match that I personally know of. But these traditions go back possibly thousands of years. There has to be a reason for it in my mind. Most traditions that aren’t based in solid evidence don’t last thousands of years. And those that do are usually societal. If they’re agricultural they’re usually regional and persist because they work. Someone said they had 200 more trees etc. I wonder if they could go back and check potting dates on pottings that had amazing vs mediocre results and compare those to moon cycles. I know some of the elder statesmen as well as us newbs believe in records! Maybe we can find a hidden correlation or disprove it. Maybe it only applies to certain species? I’d love to know if it works!
Here's one of the problems--"Most traditions that aren’t based in solid evidence don’t last thousands of years." "solid evidence" used to be that if a person doesn't float, they were in league with Satan...Lasted almost 1,000 years. As for the almanac, there have been numerous studies of what they recommend. Those studies show almanac recommendations are effective 50 percent of the time, not better than random chance...They tend to be better than the human interpretations of rodent shadows like groundhogs, though...the Magic 8 Ball is probably an equal alternative to the almanac.
The introduction of ground penetrating radar has fragmented many a "archeological hypotheses", most of which were formulated in the late 19th century, early 20th. These same hypotheses were so tainted by cultural bias, that they were essentially useless. A recent discovery of several pieces of ancient papyrus detailing the movement of stone from quarry, via hand dug canals, to the site of the Great pyramid, was groundbreaking.

Pyramids not a tomb? Really?
Here's one of the problems--"Most traditions that aren’t based in solid evidence don’t last thousands of years." "solid evidence" used to be that if a person doesn't float, they were in league with Satan...Lasted almost 1,000 years. As for the almanac, there have been numerous studies of what they recommend. Those studies show almanac recommendations are effective 50 percent of the time, not better than random chance...They tend to be better than the human interpretations of rodent shadows like groundhogs, though...the Magic 8 Ball is probably an equal alternative to the almanac.
there are studies I’m not aware of then that’s fair. I’m wondering if different areas almanacs are more/less accurate?

Didn’t I say excluding religious ones? If not I meant to or failed to paste it back in during my final arranging.
The introduction of ground penetrating radar has fragmented many a "archeological hypotheses", most of which were formulated in the late 19th century, early 20th. These same hypotheses were so tainted by cultural bias, that they were essentially useless. A recent discovery of several pieces of ancient papyrus detailing the movement of stone from quarry, via hand dug canals, to the site of the Great pyramid, was groundbreaking.

Pyramids not a tomb? Really?
This one I pretty much am 100% on board with because I’ve seen evidence. Although there are mysteries to the pyramids the fact that people were buried in them with full funeral rights pretty much proves they are tombs. Are they more as well? I’ll leave that up to the anthropologists and archeologists!
Pyramids not a tomb? Really?

Not originally, No.

I'm not arguing they might not have found some shit in there, but they don't know it wasn't stashed there after being removed from what could have been the actual tomb in the Valley of the Kings, during a theft gone wrong. Or maybe it needed to be moved because of a flood or something else, where the original sacred tomb was compromised, so without time to excavate another tomb, the pyramid was used.

The Pyramids weren't built by the Egyptians who we know as the Egyptians.

I'm pretty sure the Pyramids were built when the Sahara Desert was a Jungle. Due to evidence.

Which Pharaoh was buried in a Pyramid?

I'll wait.

If we can float a bonsai after a couple thousand years, why wouldn't we be able to float something larger?

Everything can be scaled up.


We do know what it would take to build these structures, and to think it was accomplished in this gravity, or without larger machinery than we have is what is ridiculous.

The rough time they agree it would take in this gravity without larger machinery than we have is so long, to think they are built for farming OR religion is stupid.

I'm sorry, but that advanced, even people aren't so stupid to waste all that time on these projects.

But they are what they are, and they do what they do, so it only makes sense that they were built with larger machinery than we have currently.
There is evidence for this.

So again...which part is ridiculous?

If we are thinking with open minds, none of it is.

WTF? yeah, silly--silly has been replacing reason and rationality for some time now... your theory seems to involve aliens or some other force that can influence gravity and skips past the obvious--yeah, they DID have the human know-how to accomplish it. You've also underestimated the devotion to the deities (and royal egos) behind those structures to, as well as failing to think creatively...All of the things below are much more likely than gravity altering flying saucers...Occams Razor

there are studies I’m not aware of then that’s fair. I’m wondering if different areas almanacs are more/less accurate?

Didn’t I say excluding religious ones? If not I meant to or failed to paste it back in during my final arranging.
Nope, other than the mathematically determined sun moon and tide cycles...
WTF? yeah, silly--silly has been replacing reason and rationality for some time now... your theory seems to involve aliens or some other force that can influence gravity and skips past the obvious--yeah, they DID have the human know-how to accomplish it. You've also underestimated the devotion to the deities (and royal egos) behind those structures to, as well as failing to think creatively...All of the things below are much more likely than gravity altering flying saucers...Occams Razor

Not sure where this Alien myth came from.

But since it's suiting your argument, OK.

Not originally, No.

I'm not arguing they might not have found some shit in there, but they don't know it wasn't stashed there after being removed from what could have been the actual tomb in the Valley of the Kings, during a theft gone wrong. Or maybe it needed to be moved because of a flood or something else, where the original sacred tomb was compromised, so without time to excavate another tomb, the pyramid was used.

The Pyramids weren't built by the Egyptians who we know as the Egyptians.

I'm pretty sure the Pyramids were built when the Sahara Desert was a Jungle. Due to evidence.

What evidence do you have?
We are in agreement that these Megalithic structures were built before the Younger Dryas, yes?

If not our page is different.

Nope, other than the mathematically determined sun moon and tide cycles...
Interesting. Looks like I’m going to have to do some research because I have a personal experience of it being accurate which is interesting When compared to your studies.
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