Gustavo Martins
Sorry. Not meant to sound fired upSorry, let me be more specific......pluto is dwarf planet
I think the stars aligned today, or maybe it's the moons gravitational pull that has everyone fired up on this thread?
Sorry. Not meant to sound fired upSorry, let me be more specific......pluto is dwarf planet
I think the stars aligned today, or maybe it's the moons gravitational pull that has everyone fired up on this thread?
Try this: The Portuguese version says it’s a dwarf planet...It's a matter of terminology, but basically, it's not considered as a planet the way others are labelled :
"As objects increasingly closer in size to Pluto were discovered in the region, it was argued that Pluto should be reclassified as one of the Kuiper belt objects, just as Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta lost their planet status after the discovery of many other asteroids. " (Wikipedia)
"Plutón, designado (134340) Pluto, es un planeta enano del sistema solar situado a continuación de la órbita de Neptuno. "
and, y, et :
Planeta enano es el término creado por la Unión Astronómica Internacional (UAI) para definir a una nueva clase de cuerpos celestes, diferente de la de planeta y de la de cuerpo menor del sistema solar (o planeta menor).
I never learned Spanish, but I did some latin at school and it's rather esay to understand (written) romanese languages. Tell me if I'm wrong :
a una nueva clase de cuerpos celestes, diferente de la de planeta
In French :
une nouvelle classe de corps céleste, différente des planètes
We would use "des planètes", the plural form, instead of "de la planeta", which I think is singular (in French : "de la planète").
Apart from this linguistic rambling, naming Pluto as a planet is not a valid term any longer for scientists, but it has been considered as such for such a very long time that it is a planet, while it isn't.
See what I mean?...
I won't include another song by FZ, the one where you can hear " Pluto, arf arf arf!" because I've just realized the name of the dog is Fido.
Back to my late teens, I was on another plant at that time
The drums. Make me feel like tasting mushrooms again !![]()
The Portuguese version says it’s a dwarf planet...
It's called ovulation, when the ovum is present in the system.I believe what he was saying is that there is a window during the menstrual cycle where a woman is more susceptible in becoming pregnant.
Hell yeah....?The truth of a premiss should not depend on who can shout the loudest or condemn the idea with the most vile metaphors imaginable. Hanging, stoning, and decapitation were in times past the way things like this were settled. Can anyone tell me how a plant knows when it is time to grow, time to go dormant and how many of those signals are solar according to hours of daylight, and or heat of the day? Or is it just the results of science-----but still how does it start and for what reason has it started? How is it possible for a plant to reset its clock if it is moved from one hemisphere to another. Are the signals solar or lunar, or both. Stonehenge was built to keep track of these events because the ancients knew, or believed, that the sun, moon and stars effected the way things grew.
Please, allow me the correction. The Mediterranean sea does have tides, but they are of a very low amplitude.Funny. Of all countries, Italy is one where tides are virtually inexistant, pretty much tideless as are all countries in the Mediterranean.
Like I said, virtually inexistant. Sea surface level varies to a greater extent due to changes in barometric pressure than tides. It’s considered a microtidePlease, allow me the correction. The Mediterranean sea does have tides, but they are of a very low amplitude.
At the Mediterranean coasts the height is about 25 cm, in extra cases 45 cm, at North Africa coasts it is about 1 m, in the Bay Fundy in Canada about 15.4 m and in the English Channel about 15m. (
Here in my country we have tides at the Euripus channel where a continuous motion of water is observed with a periodical change of its flow.
It is MOST DEFINITELY NOT LIKE A WOMAN'S PERIOD. This kind of hocus pocus oogy boogy claptrap will slow you down and mess up your care. The best time to repot a tree DOES NOT depend on how full the freaking moon is at the time. It depends on the kind of care, your skill and the tree's health GOING INTO THE PROCESS---PERIOD. The Horned Moon God, Jesus' robes, Lent, Festivus, or Samhain, Beltaine or whatever have nothing to do with much of anything, unless, of course, you begin believing that you have to wait until the next Sabbath or a crescent moon to repot a tree that really needs it...
I haven’t finished the thread but living in an agricultural area of FL I know A LOT of the farmers follow it. I also conducted a minor “experiment” by cutting a strip in waist high grass during a “good” time to cut, and then mowing whole patch at a bad time and it was weird because the strip was significantly shorter during regrowth for several years. There was a study done on the results of other studies comparing them to the farmer’s almanac that found it basically takes best scientific practices and eyeballs them out for you based on god knows how many years of planting experience. I wouldn’t dismiss planting by lunar cycle entirely but I don’t have the time, money, or space to experiment. Best thing I can think of is to plant/replant 10+ plants a day(and maybe night as that was mentioned) for an entire moon cycle and treat them all the same with as consistent and equal as possible watering/feeding/etc with no pruning and see what happens in a year. Then two and three etc and do repots based on moon the same as original planting each time I would also consistently retrim roots and plants back the same way each time. If you did replantings of potted plants(say nusery stock I think depth and diameter of rootball would need to be equalized, as well as height and diameter of plant at initial time of planting. As I said I don’t have the three things required to do this experiment but I find the idea interesting because of all the things I’ve seen with local farmers and ranchers.Sorry, but I think you kind of miss represented the article by leaving out what I feel is a key part "The world of hard science hasn't tried to study this stuff." prior to the statement that "It's mythology". Saying it is mythology without hard evidence is just as bad, if not worse, that promoting a myth. Two sides of the same coin. This is the problem (and fun) with this sort of discussion. Lots of assumptions, regurgitating of 3rd hand information, and the use of anecdotal evidence (a misnomer if ever there was one).
The moon does have impact on many biological functions which is fairly well known and accepted. But it does not affect everything, and not to the same degree. For example does the moon’s gravitation impact the water in my Koi pond? Sure, probably. But is any affect it might have so slight as to be totally meaningless to me?…Of that I have little doubt. (at least until I see convincing evidence to the contrary)
The question should be: What, if any, bonsai related practices are impacted by lunar cycles significant enough that we should take it into account?
I am inclined based on the VERRY little knowledge I have, that without some good evidence otherwise, to doubt there is any significant relationship between lunar cycles and something like repotting. Even if there is a connection, I suspect it is probably so slight as to be rendered operationally irrelevant. That is, the affect is
However, that said, while I am strongly opposed to the use of anecdotal evidence, the engineer in me requires that I mention that of everything I have read here so far, the closest thing I have seen to any sort of evidence is Source’s comment “because of the 50 or so times I've seen roots out my baskets...only 2 times was during a waxing phase.” I would not call that on its own sufficient proof to resolve the question, but at least he provides some substance to support his claim. A key for me to move towards the “only pot when the moon is X” would be a reasonable biological explanation of what is occurring (or not) and why and/or a well controlled and reviewed study. In the face of evidence, I am more than happy to admit my ignorance and move past it.
"Old country" folk lore has been around a long time. Does not mean it actually works. Just makes folks feel better and keep on a schedule.I do know a lot of farmers that plant seed by the moon phases. Certain phases are supposedly better for root vegetables and others better for fruit/leaf.
I know at least in Italy they bottle wine even on the moon and tide. Saying it will affect the taste....and they've been making wine for a couple 1000yrs.
Doesn't mean it doesn't work either. The world is dotted with mysterious temples and megalithic stone formations seemingly built around moon cycles. There has to be a reason that so many ages of men have considered cycles of the moon important that I would be hesitant to make the claim they were just ignorant savages. We can't explane how the Inca built their walls, how the Egyptian and Roman builders moved stones weighing millions of tons. We are not so wise and informed as we think we are."Old country" folk lore has been around a long time. Does not mean it actually works. Just makes folks feel better and keep on a schedule.
This is very true, to the point of arrogance.We are not so wise and informed as we think we are.
I grew up in rural areas all over the country. Knew many farmers, ranches, orchard owners, etc. Some used "non-traditional" methods because they believed in them, like trying rubber bands around bulls testicles to make them atrophy and drop off. Yeah, it worked, but probably wasn't the most effective way to make a steer. Hell the Druids used human sacrifice to push crop production, but that's now not Politically Correct...There is a HUGE difference between engineering skills and capabilities and agriculture. Pyramids were built using math (science) not mystical woo-woo (although magic is just science before it's science--there may be science involved with lunar planting, but so far, it's not proving out that well-). Megalith circles and pyramids used not only engineering, but astronomical math--predictable, hard math...The religious purposes for the structures, however, are no longer around...I haven’t finished the thread but living in an agricultural area of FL I know A LOT of the farmers follow it. I also conducted a minor “experiment” by cutting a strip in waist high grass during a “good” time to cut, and then mowing whole patch at a bad time and it was weird because the strip was significantly shorter during regrowth for several years. There was a study done on the results of other studies comparing them to the farmer’s almanac that found it basically takes best scientific practices and eyeballs them out for you based on god knows how many years of planting experience. I wouldn’t dismiss planting by lunar cycle entirely but I don’t have the time, money, or space to experiment. Best thing I can think of is to plant/replant 10+ plants a day(and maybe night as that was mentioned) for an entire moon cycle and treat them all the same with as consistent and equal as possible watering/feeding/etc with no pruning and see what happens in a year. Then two and three etc and do repots based on moon the same as original planting each time I would also consistently retrim roots and plants back the same way each time. If you did replantings of potted plants(say nusery stock I think depth and diameter of rootball would need to be equalized, as well as height and diameter of plant at initial time of planting. As I said I don’t have the three things required to do this experiment but I find the idea interesting because of all the things I’ve seen with local farmers and ranchers.