Bonsai Takes Time!

How exactly have you succeeded at this craft? You have a handful of twigs on a windowsill in ridiculous hand made pots.
I think that is totally uncalled for. Really not within the purpose of this forum. I don't think you fully thought your comment through before posting it.
Sorce has his own style of writing. He (and all of us) has our own journey and in the end only WE are the judges of our "success" !!! Bonsai "success" for me isn't about the best tree. Its about a attitude and more important a temperament....No one can judge another on that, as that is something only that individual knows... !!!
If you don't like Sorce's posts or don't agree with his statement please address it respectfully or ignore it. I ignore most of his posts, mostly because I don't understand it. I'm dumb so I don't blame myself or him for it though :p
Point is you went to far and your comments are judgemental and far from accurate seen from his perspective...!
I think you need to apologise to him, at least for the sake of the general bonsai spirit as it's aught to be ....!!!
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Bonsai is simply just a tree in a pot. When looking at the question of what make a good bonsai, you have to break it down to all the individual parts of a bonsai. The most important part of a bonsai is the trunk. Having a good trunk is everything in bonsai, for example, that's why Boon's 30-point grading scale has 10 points for the trunk (5 for branching, 5 for nebari, 5 for pot choice, and 5 for overall aesthetic). You can have a tree with great branching, great nebari, and a great pot, but if it has a bad trunk, its ruins it all.

I believe what he meant is we don't have the training to do that type of work. Yes, we can learn a lot ourselves, but its nothing compared to studying with a master on a daily basis.
I think its pretty hard to encourage people to let their hearts soar and become open to moving and spiritual nuanced beauty when we become wrapped up in "breaking down bonsai". Even so the formulaic bonsai grading systems like Boons and others have been useful to many learning, or when judging the pedestrian, I think it fizzles and misses the mark when applied on a high level. Training ones mind to evaluate the consequence of art on a 5 part criteria is not only crazy simplistic but ultimately mind narrowing--worse yet is the individual caps placed on the criteria. I have little doubt that folks who push this stuff, especially teachers, do so to simplify instructing meat-head practitioners or to explain it to their meat-head self. It seems a great American compulsion to formulize everything and break it down into 5 easy steps to perfect trees or the 29 irrevocable rules of bonzo. Funny thing is when you get to know the teachers they pretty much agree that "everything depends" and when they are in the presence of amazing mind-bending non-formulaic beauty most are truly moved. Its really hard to be a pundit of bonsai or a rock-star teacher when you have to premise everything with "everything depends", it makes you sound like a wishy-washy nit-wit unworthy of hundreds of adoring (and supportive) students.
@sorce does not remind me of anyone. That is why I read his posts. Not a predictable person. And as for "ridiculous hand made pots". How fucking rude!!! You may have knowledge and technique, but you ain't got no chops, choppychoppy. That one little fusillade has devalued everything you have to post on this forum; now and in the future.
A great many people have to live in apartments. And the practitioners that must, face many more difficulties than those of us who are fortunate enough not to .
Your characterization of his writing 'style' as "drivel" says far more about your own hidebound mindset than his. Apologize, if you have the gumption.
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Choppy, why not update your profile with your actual name so we can see who you are? No need for anonymity on here is there? Whilst I agree with some of what you say about Source re his posts being unintelligible, that's just his style. With regards to his pots, heck, at least he's trying something to sort out his problem. With regards to his trees .......well, I don't know them well enough to comment. What REALLY bugs me though is folks who hang about on Internet forums slagging other people off, but yet they don't have the balls to put their own name to their posts. Guess there's no chance of that now that you've made a bit of a tit of yourself.
I personally find sorces posts and comments as helpfull and funny and entertaining. Hard to understand? Maybe. Harder to understand are people who with such egos that they insult others and this peaceful art. It shouldnt be about whos better or has great trees as much as who loves to practice. Good teachers dont insult, they teach. And they dont teach anything blasting others but how to be an egotistical, stuck up, arrogant know it all pricks and to have a paper to 'prove' they know about bonsai. For me seeing a cool tree is way better than showing off a paper. And learning everyday, improving yourself is more important than the trees. An 8yr diploma in a university of art doesnt tell me your a good painter. It says you attended the classes but not thay you learnes to have any class. How can someone claim to be so good after 3 or 4 yrs when one tree takes far more time? He hasnt had time to see the results of his work in so little time. In the end sorce is a funny guy with yrs more with bonsai than choppychoppy. Who cares how 'good' he is at bonsai when he himself states that he doesnt answer questions and comes off like jerk saying it? Carry on sorce, I'll keep enjoying your posts. I lauph out loud at some stuff you say. "Im barking at a hammer" is an instant classic to me. Choppychoppy can choppy off, and start a thread about haters being hated 'experts' who write hateful things about how to be hated. Chop chop!
It shouldnt be about whos better or has great trees as much as who loves to practice. Good teachers dont insult, they teach. And they dont teach anything blasting others but how to be an egotistical, stuck up, arrogant know it all pricks and to have a paper to 'prove' they know about bonsai. For me seeing a cool tree is way better than showing off a paper. And learning everyday, improving yourself is more important than the trees.
That deserves one big AMEN !!!!
Yep three years going on four of intense study with a mentor - I have probably worked on over 1000 trees and prob have 200+ at my home. I work very hard at this craft and I can guarantee I am pretty skilled. I dont think Im bonsai master extraordinaire but I do have a decent amount of knowledge.

Hahaha, had to laugh at that. You do not have a single tree that you have brought from raw material to bonsai - certainly not if you take the title of this thread seriously-., And you have the balls to call @Scorce out, claiming he has no clue?

Did you finish high school yet?

Scorce. how do you mamage your sticks from falling out of the windowsill? I always struggle with mine ;)
Scorce. how do you mamage your sticks from falling out of the windowsill? I always struggle with mine

I'm glad I caught the German spelling!
If you are serious......I tie the basket back to the sill with aluminum......!


I appreciate the support.....
I think I flamed Choppy squared enough...

We should not....or no longer....mmmmm....cause reverse taper of ourselves.....!

I come here for's good to have y'all.

Yep three years going on four of intense study with a mentor - I have probably worked on over 1000 trees and prob have 200+ at my home. I work very hard at this craft and I can guarantee I am pretty skilled. I dont think Im bonsai master extraordinaire but I do have a decent amount of knowledge. Now I know you are an amazing artist and expert in all things bonsai I mean we've all seen the amazing stumps so forgive me if I am not in your class. And again anything I 'teach' would come from actual experience working on trees so its quite simple really.

Be sure to regale your mentor with the tale of how you schooled all us punks here. Impressed, I am sure he or she will be.
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