Bonsai Nut T-Shirts!

How's the shirt thing coming along @Bonsai Nut ? Will there be a new thread poll...on options for photos to vote on? Or...will you design it and we go from there? Just to where this is in having them printed as of yet.

I have gotten sidetracked on other projects (like dealing with flooding in my back yard). T-shirts will be coming, but they will be a new year thing.
I have gotten sidetracked on other projects (like dealing with flooding in my back yard). T-shirts will be coming, but they will be a new year thing.
Sorry to hear you've been dealing with flooding. What a fun project to look forward to in the new year. Hope you got that flooding issue resolved.
I have gotten sidetracked on other projects (like dealing with flooding in my back yard). T-shirts will be coming, but they will be a new year thing.

Flooding huh? Bet that a switch from recent years of drought.
Flooding huh? Bet that a switch from recent years of drought.

It is not what you think of when you think "flooding" back east. We don't get a lot of rain... so builders don't plan for water. They put landscaping walls all the way around your property, so each lot as basically a swimming pool waiting to be filled, and then they put in tiny little 3" landscape drains with 3" landscape piping that clogs / gets rooted up with five years of building. The geniuses who built our home actually ran the landscaping drain lines under our garage slab, so when the slab settled, the pipes were crushed flat and there is no easy way to run a new line.

So instead I had to dig the equivalent of a really large sump that my surface drain lines now dump into, and I have to pump the runoff water out of my yard each time it rains. If it doesn't rain too hard, there isn't a lot of runoff, but I needed something to take care of the big storms.
It is not what you think of when you think "flooding" back east. We don't get a lot of rain... so builders don't plan for water. They put landscaping walls all the way around your property, so each lot as basically a swimming pool waiting to be filled, and then they put in tiny little 3" landscape drains with 3" landscape piping that clogs / gets rooted up with five years of building. The geniuses who built our home actually ran the landscaping drain lines under our garage slab, so when the slab settled, the pipes were crushed flat and there is no easy way to run a new line.

So instead I had to dig the equivalent of a really large sump that my surface drain lines now dump into, and I have to pump the runoff water out of my yard each time it rains. If it doesn't rain too hard, there isn't a lot of runoff, but I needed something to take care of the big storms.

Sounds ugly. Glad I live on what is basically a giant pile of sand. I dont have to worry about flooding on my property thank goodness.
Sounds ugly. Glad I live on what is basically a giant pile of sand. I dont have to worry about flooding on my property thank goodness.

Southern California is basically raised seabed. 2" of "soil" on top of hard clay. I can dig a 3' hole, fill it with water, and three days later the water will still be there.

As the song says "It never rains in California, but girl don't they warn ya. When it pours... man it pours!"

I prepare for 2-3 days out of the year when my yard floods and all the water flows into my pool :)
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We could use a little flooding up here.....
It has likely been suggested but I would like to see something pink with a Fomina on it... (only joking nobody needs to see that...)
I know right?

On the good news front, I was able to set up a new company for the security certificate for BonsaiNut. The company is officially named "Adsira" which sounds sufficiently techy / fanciful / arbitrary. I will now be able to upgrade the site security to SSL and if anyone bothers to check the security certificate they will see it assigned to "". This will allow me to manage the tech side of the site under "adsira" while keeping the bonsainut side of the site all things bonsai - so I will no longer get tech and bonsai emails intermingled, etc. Lot of other things going on behind the scenes not important enough to bother you with details.

However the t-shirts have not been forgotten - just delayed.
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I know right?

On the good news front, I was able to set up a new company for the security certificate for BonsaiNut. The company is officially named "Adsira" which sounds sufficiently techy / fanciful / arbitrary. I will now be able to upgrade the site security to SSL and if anyone bothers to check the security certificate they will see it assigned to "". This will allow me to manage the tech side of the site under "adsira" while keeping the bonsainut side of the site all things bonsai - so I will no longer get tech and bonsai emails intermingled, etc. Lot of other things going on behind the scenes not important enough to bother you with details.

However the t-shirts have not been forgotten - just delayed.
It is go on forums like this and do not stop to think about the person/people who are running the whole show and their life issues. I hope things work out for you and I for one appreciate the NUT! Thanks.
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Damn sounds like a rough start to the year! Hope all is coming under control and if there is a way I can help please let me know
But hey...

Spring is in the air!


If you are not traumatized....
You better get traumatized!

T-shirts on that lady!

Looking at this photo and trying to figure out if you're lucky or unlucky
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