Oh yes.How I feel browsing a multi page thread that spans a decade of work on a tree
I’m a guy with a pretty sweet beard, hahaOh yes.
that’s me
Except I’m a guy with a ratty little beard.
And old
And kind of fat
But yea that’s me.
My Beard is like Boy George’s convictions..I’m a guy with a pretty sweet beard, haha
I’ve burned half of mine off, recently, peeking in the kiln.Mine has had some terrible pruning jobs.
now it’s in a cut and grow phase.
Containerized environment
Somewhere a Comfort Inn employee spits out his coffee!
Its so bad that make my dog cry and I dont even have a dog hahah
I've actually had this problem.
Oh look anotherHAHAHA
I find the lack of greenery in this house disgusting... You want one of mine? My wife its going to kick me out if I buy more plants haha xDMost of mine come from r/succulents, lol