The online translator pronounces it, Sat- suk.
Can't always believe what the internet says....The online translator pronounces it, Sat- suk.
I believe Yokosuka is like yoKOOska, not yo-ko-su-ka. Sounds similar to this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯I would like confirmation one way or the other from one of our Japanese speakers.
It’s a meme…………………Honestly, most people in the hobby are not learning to speak Japanese, so any mispronunciations should be a non issue
And 99% of the time, unless you really slaughter a word, you’ll be understood
I speak a little German. I’m not going to correct someone who isn’t learning it, but decides to through out “Achtung” and mispronounces it, nor would I ever make fun of someone for saying it wrong
This hobby is too small to be so shallow and pedantic
I feel personally attacked.
Dude, when did sneak into my workplace and take my picture?Not bonsai specific,
But this was sent to me recently
View attachment 404430
Could be personal or work related. I didn’t ask. I thought it appropriate for the season.
When did YOU take that secret photo of me to HANG in your workplace?Dude, when did sneak into my workplace and take my picture?
Ya creep.