Bnut weekend challenge starting 3-29-13

or Camellia j. ?? they do back bud. on old wood too, but best to leave veg.

I second that and my very limited experience with Camellia leads me to believe that cannot with stand a lot of stress and are slower to recover. The dwarf varieties make excellent bonsai, Japonica works too if you get a big ole one :cool:
Brian, why did you leave so much of the old soil on this repot?

The minor repot is an old white pine that belongs to our club. It was getting hard to water, but I didn't want to get too crazy on the roots. I removed about 2" all the way around, combed it out, and worked in a coarser, inorganic mix. It's getting stronger, and I really didn't want to slow it down by working it too hard...just wanted to make it easier to water!
And the root-rot case...this one really irked me, since it was imported, supposedly bare-root, and quarantined at the nursery, then to find muddy horrible dirt around the roots makes no sense. I asked to see the roots before I bought it and was denied. Should have walked away right then. I won't make that error again.

The original pot was the rectangle, what was left of the roots fit into that smaller 15x3" oval.

That pot looks a bit small to me. Yes, I agree. A peek at the roots, even if it is just a small portion, tells everything. And that goes for any tree really.


The Juniper I worked on over the weekend. Still needs adjustments. For now that's it:

weekend juniper.jpg

The moment you try to fasten the guy wire and the jinning pliers take a helicopter ride and land on the top of your nose..bonsai is dangerous. I have always stated that..

my projects from the weekend

Not sure what this thing is. It looks kinda like a ficus but I dont think it is. It does bleed white stuff and Im told it fruits and is from vietnam. It was super cheap and looks like it can be something interesting
2nd project

This is a ficus retusa that needed pruning and branch selecting
3rd tree

This tree is also unknown to me. It has aerial roots all over inside the branches(hope it wasnt harmful to clean them out as they just look like a nest of pine needles in the canopy)Havent decided what to do with the dead trunk yet
last one

This is a ficus I picked up for our clubs raffle or auction and Im hoping to improve it. If im successful it will be an auction tree, if i fail it will be a raffle tree ;)
different project

my original plan was to work on a premna-which has a long way to go before it attains bonsai hood. our study group has a show coming up in 2 weeks. my obligation is to provide 5 trees- so common sense dictated that I spend time getting some candidates ready for the selection process.

work on the premna was put aside in favor of work on 2 of several bougainvillea I'm thinking about submitting for the exhibit - a moyogi orange and a han kengai purple. sharing some pictures of the work.

best wishes, sam

orange: old pot/new pot, new pot, tailgate, cleaner look
different project (cont)

purple: old pot/new pot
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Does a Monday Project count?

My brother was nice enough to let me move my trees from our parents to his place. He wanted to start a garden of some sort, this is what we ended up with. He plans on adding some citrus here and there. We had moved my trees two days prior to the before and after today.

Both of us are happy with the progress.

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My brother was nice enough to let me move my trees from our parents to his place. He wanted to start a garden of some sort, this is what we ended up with. He plans on adding some citrus here and there. We had moved my trees two days prior to the before and after today.

Both of us are happy with the progress.

View attachment 33476View attachment 33477

Looking very nice and neat!

my original plan was to work on a premna-which has a long way to go before it attains bonsai hood. our study group has a show coming up in 2 weeks. my obligation is to provide 5 trees- so common sense dictated that I spend time getting some candidates ready for the selection process.

work on the premna was put aside in favor of work on 2 of several bougainvillea I'm thinking about submitting for the exhibit - a moyogi orange and a han kengai purple. sharing some pictures of the work.

best wishes, sam

orange: old pot/new pot, new pot, tailgate, cleaner look
View attachment 33460View attachment 33461View attachment 33462View attachment 33463

All beautiful - as always!

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