Imperial Masterpiece
You guys are like a pack of vultures. Seriously nothing could be more discouraging than posting to a "bonsai" oriented forum. Every single comment was negative no one had anything good to at all. I may not be as educated as you or have any experience in the art of bonsai but I certainly don't deserve to be talked down to as if I were some piece of trash. Some of you need to step down off of your high horses and realize this may be the internet and you can potentially say anything you like but that doesn't give you the right to blatantly be a complete ass to people.
As you said yourself...seriously?
You received very good advice, and you should pay attention to what was said. No one talked down to you. Have you even bothered to read old threads on this (or other) forums, or any books on bonsai? That would be a good way to spend your time this winter.
Oh, and no one else mentioned it, but I hope you've got permission to collect plants from wherever you are collecting...