Banned from the IBC

Regardless, I won't have much to add to that forum, they all seem to have amazing specimens.

If you choose not to, that is one thing but to say you won't have much to add, I totally disagree. I am just a blabbermouth newbie but I have things to add to the forum. We are all unique and can see/feel things differently. You have as much to share there as you have here (or any other forum).
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Well we'll see if I can add or detract over there, I got a reply to my contact and they fixed the problem with my login... Rock you should do the same, Fiona got right back to me.
So I might have to stop just lurking now...:p
I really enjoy IBC. I mostly just lurk, but post every once in a while. There's some good people over there.

I did the same. It seems my previous problem (I was told for years that my logon name was taken for some reason) has been cleared up.

I'm now on there.

Thanks for the prod Jim...
Most sites that ban posters don't necessarily ban a name so much as an IPO address, which is generated by your computer and INTERNET provider. That was when someone is put to death there is no returning from the dead.
Most sites that ban posters don't necessarily ban a name so much as an IPO address, which is generated by your computer and INTERNET provider. That was when someone is put to death there is no returning from the dead.
There are lots of random IP generating software out there for a while now.
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