Autumn is coming...who's excited and who isnt?

Sounds like trick or treat weather to me!!

It also sounds like your growing season has come to an freaking central AC just licked on!
Most Halloweens here the trick or treaters need to wear coats over their costumes. It kind of sucks.
We've already had 2 hard frosts and about half of the trees have already dropped all of their leaves.
Woke up to our first inch of snow this morning, on grassy areas and rooftops. A nice change of pace, and it did look quite beautiful with many of the trees still near peak color. But the novelty will quickly wear off as the seasons progress and the snow piles up.

I love fall, up here it is colorful and quite mild (the nearby lakes hold off the frosts for a while). I love winter. Until about mid February, then I've had enough. Unfortunately, up here winter rules into March and often April. So the arrival of fall brings mixed emotions for me..a strange mixture of excitement and dread!
We have had 3 nights in the low thirties so far but scattered so the hoses are still on. The next several days are a bit cooler though -

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Unfortunately, up here winter rules into March and often April.

One of the few things I don't miss at all about that side of NY. To grey for way to long. It does have some moments but not enough good ones :(

I had to move my gold fish inside... he was moving slow and pond continually covered in leaves.
I just can't enjoy Fall when I know what's coming. 24 cent gold fish cost me 75 buck for his winter home. Almost big enough for a sandwich!
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I'm looking forward to it being 80 degrees this weekend. Who needs Fall and Winter, I say let's go straight back to Spring!
You hunt by running them over?:D
In the past 2 months or so I've hit a bear and a deer with that truck. Almost got a cow elk and calf but saw them in time. The insurance company has shelled out almost $9000.00 fixing it.
The bear crawled off and died in the bushes the deer was dead when it hit the ditch.
In the past 2 months or so I've hit a bear and a deer with that truck. Almost got a cow elk and calf but saw them in time. The insurance company has shelled out almost $9000.00 fixing it.
The bear crawled off and died in the bushes the deer was dead when it hit the ditch.
I took a buck out with my Acura 2 years ago. Still haven't replaced the bumper, but my car is one hell of a beast. That guy was dead within 2 minutes, I had some guys in a truck help me pull it off the road, then they loaded it into their truck lol20161027_133857.jpg
Most Halloweens here the trick or treaters need to wear coats over their costumes. It kind of sucks.
We've already had 2 hard frosts and about half of the trees have already dropped all of their leaves.
I know we both took a major hit from voles last winter, I was luckier than you were. Just curious what you are thinking this winter for security? I just got done building two big boxes with double re-inforced hardware cloth and treated lumber. Hopefully it will work ok.
Still loving the cool to chilly fall weather here. Leaves well past peak in some areas and still mostly green in some. Most color I have seen is yellow.

I spent my childhood trick or treating in the warmth and humidity of Fl, made it uncomfortable.

Just picked up a sugar maple and scarlet oak today that hopefully have a bright future as extra large bonsai.
In the past 2 months or so I've hit a bear and a deer with that truck. Almost got a cow elk and calf but saw them in time. The insurance company has shelled out almost $9000.00 fixing it.
The bear crawled off and died in the bushes the deer was dead when it hit the ditch.
Years ago, I was driving down a mountain road at night in my 4-Runner, doing about 50 mph. A cow elk darted onto the road and I just barely missed hitting her using evasive maneuvers. My family were not amused!
I know we both took a major hit from voles last winter, I was luckier than you were. Just curious what you are thinking this winter for security? I just got done building two big boxes with double re-inforced hardware cloth and treated lumber. Hopefully it will work ok.
I'm building pretty much the same except I'm building one large enclosure I will be able to put a couple hundred trees in.
1/4" hardware cloth and treated lumber also.
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