I'm always excited for the arrival of fall, though in my area the arrival of cooler weather typically does not occur until November and this past year, we didn't even get below 50F until January. This summer has been particularly oppressive and on the dry side, featuring Orlando's hottest July on record.
As a winter weather enthusiast, and also due to some challenging life circumstances, me and mine are considering relocating to the Mid-Atlantic or the Northeast. I will miss my home town and the rainy season storms, but I've had enough of the incessent heat and my other half is indifferent, so we are looking into an area with four seasons. Some decide to finally make the move south after a bad winter, I'm doing the opposite.
I've been visiting relatives in SE PA for the past couple weeks and though it's been "hot" many days, some cool nights have been absolutely heavenly. 59F right now.
I may actually be able to keep food in my refrigerator instead of a potted forest soon

I plan to keep the tropicals I currently have and focus on deciduous material and conifers, especially Pinus and Picea. I plan to focus on Japanese maples and dwarf conifers for my landscaping, should we make the move. A few trees, like my Quercus virginiana, will be a fun challenge to winter properly in a cold winter climate.
My mom and I stopped by Nature's Way Nursery and I was able to get over my awe at the beautiful material long enough for us to select a large Japanese maple. I have my work cut out for me (a future thread on this tree for sure), but I think it is lovely as is and I can get it more technically up to par over the next 5-10 years (crown shape, adding movement to the branches, etc).
So that is my long-winded way of saying yes, I am looking forward to the coming autumn season! Bring it on.