Are you a Parrot?

By the way, this thread is really stupid. Al, you should be ashamed of yourself for the way you've been posting lately.

Nah, you forgot a post he did recently - look at his post count :P

At the risk of being a parrot go to and read Brent's articles on how to build trunks - there are loads of other stuff on there too. Tbh I'd rather be a parrot repeating quality info that he gives than guessing & talking a load of crap. Oh how I wish this article was around when I put my first cutting in the ground 27 years ago - far less stuff would have been binned or ruined. I might even have considered changing my name to "Polly" by deed poll.

I'll have to go check this out, never been to his site before, thanks Paulpash! I always thought it was just a storefront site, never knew it had articles and such.

Guess after I'm done reading I can join you:

"Squawk, Brent says this, Brent says that, squawk!"
I don’t think @Smoke is wrong in his sentiment. *If I am understanding him correctly* if you are explaining a piece of information that you have no experience with, you are doing a disservice to the community. An explanation without experience inevitably means the nuances get lost and the nuances are where the real information lay. Posting a link or video to someone explaining a technique is very different then trying to explain what you read/saw. Trying a technique and telling us what you have done and what happened, combined with what we know about you on here can be very benificial to the community. Critical thinking becomes much more involved in the learning process which is very necessary as no two BNuts have the exact same growing conditions, or skill or anything really.

I only wish Smoke would choose his words a little better.

Title text: "But there are seven billion people in the world! I can't possibly stop to consider how ALL of them might interpret something!" "Ah, yes, there's no middle ground between 'taking personal responsibility for the thoughts and feelings of every single person on Earth' and 'covering your eyes and ears and yelling logically correct statements into the void.' That's a very insightful point and not at all inane."
I don’t think @Smoke is wrong in his sentiment. *If I am understanding him correctly* if you are explaining a piece of information that you have no experience with, you are doing a disservice to the community. An explanation without experience inevitably means the nuances get lost and the nuances are where the real information lay. Posting a link or video to someone explaining a technique is very different then trying to explain what you read/saw. Trying a technique and telling us what you have done and what happened, combined with what we know about you on here can be very benificial to the community. Critical thinking becomes much more involved in the learning process which is very necessary as no two BNuts have the exact same growing conditions, or skill or anything really.

I only wish Smoke would choose his words a little better.

View attachment 197809
Title text: "But there are seven billion people in the world! I can't possibly stop to consider how ALL of them might interpret something!" "Ah, yes, there's no middle ground between 'taking personal responsibility for the thoughts and feelings of every single person on Earth' and 'covering your eyes and ears and yelling logically correct statements into the void.' That's a very insightful point and not at all inane."
I know that song------
Sorry, but I have no idea what you are referring to.

Seriously!?! Wow...okay, Al has repeatedly stated in several threads in the past about reaching 10,000 for a title from Greg. Here is just one mention...honestly, I too had forgotten until Grimmy mentioned it. I've had some family issues keeping me off the forum more than I prefer. I think typically newbies pay more mind to titles than ones who've been here awhile. Still an honor...Greg offers those who post 10,000 or...hit the 500,000 mark on the entire forum. We have one with the title of that feat too.

Seriously!?! Wow...okay, Al has repeatedly stated in several threads in the past about reaching 10,000 for a title from Greg. Here is just one mention...honestly, I too had forgotten until Grimmy mentioned it. I've had some family issues keeping me off the forum more than I prefer. I think typically newbies pay more mind to titles than ones who've been here awhile. Still an honor...Greg offers those who post 10,000 or...hit the 500,000 mark on the entire forum. We have one with the title of that feat too.

Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I missed it because I haven't really been paying much attention to most of what he has been posting lately because...well, a lot of it has been crap.
Oh wow. So you just have to make 10.000 non-sense posts and you get a personal title? guess that is doable. Hm..
Well, quite frankly...I don't feel all posts are non-sense posts...but, it can bring ones post count up. Welcoming new members...offering direction. But we all at some point have contributed to non-sense posts sadly. Rabbit holes and what not. I don't feel the majority of contributions total a higher percentage for non-sense as much as bettering the community at large with offering advice and such. Al has offered some great progression threads and there is that.

My hitting 10,000 was poison though to him, sadly. (((Shrugs))) I had went back to my old ways of greeting new folk. Trying to offer guidance when I could and my numbers showed it. But life grabbed me by my toes and pulled me from the forum awhile. Things are settling back down. And for a week...I have time before I leave for our mission trip. Then I won't be on much...if at all. But...I'll be back...most likely with Al having a new title. ? curious what direction it will go.
Welcoming new members and offering direction are not nonsense posts, those posts contribute to the forum and sense of community in a positive way. It's repeated posts calling out other members or attacking bonsai professionals or complaining that no one values your boundless contributions that are nonsense (and divisive).

And of course this is a nonsense post as well. So it goes.
I’m still waiting to find something posted about building neagari style trees. It is a great style but not much on the technique.
Well, I won the battle with that toilet in the end anyways. Put up a hell of a fight.
Nothing quite as motivating as a hole in the floor where the toilet used to be, providing sewer gas emanations as you pry out the old hardware or seat flange. You just don't stop till it's fixed.
I’m still waiting to find something posted about building neagari style trees. It is a great style but not much on the technique.

Jonas has good documentation...I believe I posted here on the forum, a link to Bonsai Tonight's blog on it. Even Adair has one of his exposed root pines. You crack me up Al...what a dry sense of humor.
Nothing quite as motivating as a hole in the floor where the toilet used to be, providing sewer gas emanations as you pry out the old hardware or seat flange. You just don't stop till it's fixed.

Being at the landfill unloading a pickup truck full of junk when its 110f in Phoenix is comparable I would say!
Lol @Wires_Guy_wires ! I missed that cuz of the quote jump phenomenon!

Sorce says the quote jump phenomenon is real...
I'm working on figuring out the number of trees that died, or are still ugly because of it!

Don't miss good information, or humor! Due to the quote jumping phenomenon!



I said I was using the fish and health to combat fungus and pests this year...

This thing got whatever that black spots and yellow leaves thing everyone else gets...
So it got partially(effected) defoliated...and is still in a place of "living" that is acceptable for now. Removed a couple yellow stragglers from the setback the other day, and I'm looking forward to a healthy post rest push.

No fungicide.

Parrot that!

Knarley Nebari. I think @Smoke should get that tattooed on his rear end so we have something to look at when he wears his pink thong.
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