I've got a variegated Parrot's Beak bonsai that is generally healthy at the moment but I've noticed it's been growing somewhat slowly for what I understand is supposed to be an aggressively-growing species. I've been keeping it outside on my patio in Minnesota summer where it should be getting full sun and heat. Over the winter it was not healthy after some over-watering and a fight against fungus gnats that started in the fall. I gave it an emergency re-pot and the plant has bounced back since then. In the late winter I went light on watering (and fertilization) to prevent the return of root rot or fungus gnats but I believe the light fertilization (using 7-9-5) might be responsible for my plants slow growth this summer. I had given it fertilizer in the spring, but is it too late to continue providing fertilizer to the plant given that climate dictates I bring this tree inside come September/October? I've been told fertilization starts in late winter/early spring to pump energy into the tree for spring/summer growing but I don't know when to stop fertilizing.
Also while I'm posting, is there a best time with tropicals to propagate cuttings? I'd like to try growing more of these.

Also while I'm posting, is there a best time with tropicals to propagate cuttings? I'd like to try growing more of these.