Hey!!! @Marie1uk I love Arakawa!
So does the rest of the bonsai community! Here’s my baby!
I have around 100 cuttings all bedded down in Anderson flats on beds, as soon as the happy ones push buds I’ll sell some, I’m in central mo and it snowed yesterday?
I really like the new pot a lot more than the last one. It’s more subtle and Ive noticed that my personal tastes like pots that aren’t so bright. I think this one compliments the roughness of the bark well and gives the tree a more aged feel. It should be a wonderful fall show with the contrasts.
I really like the new pot a lot more than the last one. It’s more subtle and Ive noticed that my personal tastes like pots that aren’t so bright. I think this one compliments the roughness of the bark well and gives the tree a more aged feel. It should be a wonderful fall show with the contrasts.
Bri, I agree. I think the age of the pot goes well with the age of the tree. The other one, was becoming a bit small, too shiny and bright. Since I had Bjorn here, I went ahead and asked for a critique and he really liked the tree including the new pot. No major criticism only a couple of small branches that he wanted to shorten. He even liked a lot the small third trunk in the works. So that was good to hear.
Autumn update. A little past peak color. Always exciting to see deciduous trees when their leaves fall off to see all your hard work through the growing season. On the second pic down you will notice a little stub left from a root graft. Next year it will be cut off.
Winter update. Lightly trimmed and just a few secondary branches wired. Continues to deveop and ramify well. The rough bark has now reached the tips of many of the secondary branches. Some areas are still in development.
From the back.
Uro that was once a feature on the main trunk has now closed completely and interesting bark plates in a radial pattern have formed.
Nebari undergoing improvements. Below a short stump was left from a root graft which will be cut off next year. Towards the back another root graft in progress is visible.
A detail of the small third trunk. The long leader was left to thicken. It will then be cut back drastically.
The once coarse ramification has gotten progressively finer as the tree develops.
Arakawa now ready for another growing season. Buds are all beginning to swell evenly throughout the canopy. It was wired in just a few spots to correct position and direction of secondary and tertiary branches but letting the natural growth pattern of the tree take over for a more natural feel. There will always be some wiring intervention but less so as the tree's design continues to mature and move forward.
Letting a long whip grow unchecked to develop the next segment of the small third trunk. Its development has been somewhat slow since it grows under the shaded environment of the parent tree.
Detail of a stump left from a successful root graft. I usually leave a small stump to be safe and to let it natually dieback. I'll wait until about late spring to make my final cut flush with trunk and cover it with cut paste and let it heal.