Phenomenal! Absolutely stunning…
Fantastic work. For me, your tree looks very very old and very wild too because of the movements of the branches.
In the number 121 of Bonsai Focus, we can see some trees of the japanese master Iemitsu Ooishi, and among his great trees, a triple trunk deshojo palmatum made me think of your work because of the same milimeter precision and finesse on branches. Maybe your trees are wilder/freer but the precision and finesse is the same, IMHO. I can post a pic if you're interested to see and to get your opinion.
Wonderfull tree & thanks for you answerComparing your tree with another one was certainly clumsy but when i came back to edit my post, it was too late
Thanks for being here, sharing your fine Art works & inspiring people![]()
No photos this autumn either? did you sell it yet?![]()
I love that little low branch, it gives it a natural feel to it. That’s the best arakawa I’ve seen, great tree!
Thanks and agreed. I get asked from time to time if I should cut that low branch/ trunk off. Truthfully I don't think it is a critical component of the design. So the composition can/will work without it. However, it does add a certain natural random touch which is definitely additive at least as I see it. This is also quite common in nature. None of these are ever my ideas. Nature herself is the one that supplies them.
I actually really like it. When you look through the Kokofu books, there are many that have this certain "random" bit to it that would never be taught. I don't know how else to describe it, but it's sort of like once you become a master of the craft you can start exploring these elements in your designs more.
I would be curious if there are ways to get exposed to Mr. Ooishi's work mentioned above. I imagine the kokofu books have some...
Amazing tree.
Thank you!Not easy to find articles and photos of his trees. This issue of Bonsai Focus has a good article of Mr. Ooishi's handling of beech.There are two other issues that feature his work. I will see if I can find them. His work is very refined but never feels contrived.
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