Any start to finish type progression threads?

Oh no, Buckeyes are taking over the forum!:eek:
Just a warning, Beeches are a LONG process. I've had mine i dug up for over 2 years and it's the slowest thing i have. Never tried air layering as they always seem to have a good trunk base. I can't imagine it's very fast to air layer.
I've been watching some of his free videos
Here is one if you want beeches:
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I'm a NE Ohio B-n00b, too. I joined the Cleveland Bonsai Club and am learning a ton. One of their LT members did a beginner workshop in Avon last summer and he's doing another one. Even though it is basic stuff I'm taking it again because you can never have too firm of a grounding in the basics when you're starting out.


Have you been at the last couple meetings? I've probably met you, but not sure. I'm Scott. :)
I've been at the last two so probably! I'm Dan but I don't remember names. lol.
How do I join the Cleveland bonsai club? I see their FB but website link is dead? Just show up at the Rockefeller green house? I had to work last Saturday. Pretty bummed. Just picked up this book it is wonderful


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A new website is being created now. Hopefully that will be up and running in the next few months. Yes, just show up next meeting. Carole will take your contact info and you become a member. I think it's $20 yearly and isn't due until June or something. We'd love to have you :)
I'd like some of that action, too.

Cleveland is a bit of a haul from Toledo, but I could really use a good road trip. I'll probably checking out Columbus and a southern MI club (Meijer Gardens, I think) to have conversations with people I can see in real time while touching trees.

The thought of workshops makes me happy!
Are you the I.T. guy at the nursery?
Yes! Sorry, I missed your question.

You probably heard that the next Cleveland Bonsai Club meeting is at the nursery where I work! We're doing a tour. Even though it isn't specifically bonsai stock it is still cool to see all the horticulture equipment and processes at work. I've been there 19 years and I'm still amazed at all of it.
Yes! Sorry, I missed your question.

You probably heard that the next Cleveland Bonsai Club meeting is at the nursery where I work! We're doing a tour. Even though it isn't specifically bonsai stock it is still cool to see all the horticulture equipment and processes at work. I've been there 19 years and I'm still amazed at all of it.

I will be there. Looking forward to it!
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