Another Mirai Tree Sale in a few days

I find it funny that the Chinese junipers are labeled “Chinese Junipers “. Rather than the cultivar within that. Maybe theyre something super vanilla like old gold, or spartan. 😂
Haha. I take it back. Clicked on he link and sure enough, they are from telperion. So that’s cool. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Igor Stravinsky was walking in New York when he heard something familiar being played on a violin; being played badly. It was one of his pieces being played by a busker. The violinist's case was open at his feet with a few coins in it. Written on a scrap of cardboard was "Music of Stravinsky". Stravinsky was outraged. "No!" he cried, "That is NOT how that piece is played!" He grabs the man's violin and runs through the same stanza the busker was destroying only moments before. While out of tune, the music was undeniably beautiful. Stravinsky returns the man's violin, rips the cardboard in half and exclaims "Do NOT play that music again!"

A week later, Stravinsky is walking in the same area and hears the same brutal notes he had previously heard. Outraged, he rushed over to see the violinist. This time there were a few people standing there watching and listening in awe. The music was terrible but the busker's case was nearly filled with paper bills. Stravinsky was perplexed. He looked at the people who had gathered. He looked at the case filled with money. He listened to the horrid music. Then he saw the cardboard sign had been replaced. It now read "Student of Stravinsky."
This remind me of a gentleman on here claimed to be student of Ryan, Walter Paul etc.
Anyone else see Chinese juniper 2 posted at $0 when it went live?

the jwp and scots pine caught my eye, but gone quickly. Hard to justify some of these (relatively) lower priced ones where at least half of the price is the ceramic for a somewhat rough tree. Just a little dichotomous from a value side.
This remind me of a gentleman on here claimed to be student of Ryan, Walter Paul etc.

There was a similar situation with a vendor at a bonsai convention some time back. The kindest description would be "unappealing". I had the feeling that this person insinuated themself into Ryan's circle, saw what Ryan charged, and priced their product the same as if being geographically close to Ryan's nursery was a positive thing. Problem being, no one could figure out how this artist could have done something so wrong and still charge the highest prices of any vendor there. Think "Picasso meets Dali meets Timothy Leary." Vendor had little to zero sales. A product was donated to the convention auction. Zero bids. The opening bid was lower than anything else. We felt really bad for this person.
If someone posted the blue atlas cedar on this site, the response would be “chop it to the first branch and put it in the ground” 🙄

I do like that one but would never pay 2000 for it…


I might need to move this off bucket bench (watering via bucket) to some thing more "workbench"...2200 hundy? Ya-hoooooo 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄


I can't quite remember what it is......🥴🥴 and am not Ryan....if you got confused🥃
So did this sale happen and did you have to have a special invite to see it?
Yes most are sold already. Ha!

the link is on their Instagram bio.
Yea I figured most would be out of reach for my wallet and I dislike sales by combat so was not planning on trying to buy.
I don't Instagram so oh well
trees are nice but the last couple of years had much better trees and it seems like they also had more trees.
I gotta say, this composition is really nice.
The tree is not the best. The pot works really well with the tree though.
Very odd and interesting.
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