Am I Correct To Apply Pesticide To This Ficus? It looks Like Everything Is Wrong

What's the cause of the white powder on the second trees bark? Can anyone explain that?
What's the cause of the white powder on the second trees bark? Can anyone explain that?

Looks like some dead/dried out moss possibility that’s collecting minerals. How are you checking for when it’s time to water?

if you start squishing scale, you may figure it’s just better to defoliate. I’ve done it before a couple times to rid of pests but I knew my root systems could take it. These look weak to me along with the pests issues. Might die without any solar panels. Hard to say without seeing in person.

Defoliation really helps get all the bugs gone.
Looking at the pics again, I think if you can control the scale, your trees will be just fine until summer. Good looking soil. The more light you can get these the better…you just have to stop the bugs from sucking it dry. They don’t look terribly unhealthy, just bearing the burden of the scale. I would not get too drastic, the goal is just to limp them through until spring.

If you really want them to thrive over winter, you will need grow lights.
White powder at base of trunk, on soil or edge of the pot is often mineral deposit left from evaporating water but photos are not really clear enough to be definitive. Frequent, light watering leaves more deposit. Heavier, thorough watering can help to wash some of the minerals away before they crystalize out of solution.
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