Lee Brindley
My Mugo
nice jobMy Mugo
My Mugo
nice job
Killer Lee. Just killer.
How big is it? Type?
Looks great!
Took this one to my Bonsai class yesterday. It got its first styling.
Sorry for the not so great pic, I was having a hell of a time getting a good one, finally settled for this one.
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After with one of the sacrifice branches that will be removed next year hidden to show the plan.
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Vance, could you do a video on the pie cut some time this summer?
Its going to stay under the shade cloth for another two weeks then.It wont hurt to stay in the shade but if it is hot where you are full sun could be bad if your not there to watch what is going on.
Hey, that's pretty damn nice!My Mugo
Can I jump aboard the Mugo train? I'm a partner in a property in Michigan, between South Haven and Pawpaw. We just bought it. And, I bought a mugo this last Saturday. From Milwaukee Bonsai Swap Meet, Jorge sold it to me. Has had a fair number of years of work into it already. I will let it grow this season, start working on it next summer. Nebari consists of just 2 thick roots, a Y shape. They will be a long term project. Rest of the tree just more and better placed branches, and it needs ramification. It has a lot of small buds from last year's candle pruning.
First branch seems in a good place, and a nice start on ramification. I need to "live with it" a year or two before I decide what to do with the rest. None of the upper branches are really bad, but I am not convinced this is the best arrangement of branches 2 through 5. I'll let it grow a year or two before I do any major changes.
So that's my tree. Suggestions are welcome.
And a big thanks to Vance for outlining how to grow these and other single flush pines in shorter summer season climates.
View attachment 79342 View attachment 79341 removal.