Imperial Masterpiece
Who's talking about cutting branches off? Jeezuz!, I simply stated that area 1 will need attention at some point and the only way to attend to it is to prune it. Reduce it with a tool that cuts branches. Andrew came up with all this leaf cutting and balancing bullshit instead of agreeing proving he lacks the knowhow. There's no point in leaf cutting there. It will lead to increase in density because the number of buds will not be decreased. The branches need reducing and thinning, not the leaves. Then he comes back trying to preach to me about sugar. Further proving he's still in the practical experience gaining stage.
Messing around with leaf cutting here won't do anything. The branch is already too thick and won't get thinner.
Something like this is what will have to be done eventually. (if not more) You can talk about balancing vigour with leaf pruning all you like but the reality is that it needs to be branch cut.
The tree is outstanding quality, it will need guidance to keep it that way and getting better. This is one of the things needed....sooner or later.
Just what is the big deal exactly??? We are just talking about trees not here not children. Everyone should stop being so bloody precious. We all need to look at our trees with a critical eye if they are to improve. I always look for the faults in my trees and I want everyone who looks at them to point out faults as they see them, not just tell me how nice they look.
Merry Christmas all!
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Michael, let me try and reel back the conversation a bit because I think there are two different discussions happening here. The cutting off of a branch refers to a comment made earlier, since branches coming at the viewer are generally not ideal. This specifically refers to a lower main branch slightly towards the left of the tree which protrudes forward. Ultimately I cannot cut this branch off as it will severely flatten out the tree and will reveal too much of its front. I mentioned that I may try and look for a slight change of angle in the spring to address this. This is entirely a different discussion than what you are referring to which is specifically the apex.
Again, thank you, and I thank all for your insights and comments. In the end, regardless of whether I agree or not, it's always helpful and informs the path forward. I wish all a Merry Christmas!!