About the wacky advertisements...

Thank you for all of this feedback!

It seems like a small thing, but I am using two advertising services now. The first attempts to serve you more targeted ads (in a fixed width banner format), and if it can't it hands the ad slot off to Google for a more generic adsense ad (which can be multiple sizes).

What appears to be happening is that when your window is set to narrow, the first service can't fit in their ads, so they make the hand off for a Google ad... but the Google ad (even though it is smaller) is being center formatted in a way that is breaking the underlying responsive formatting of the site. I have to go back to the first service and complain that their ad hand-offs are FUBAR :)

We use responsive formatting for this site, which is somewhat new technology. Most sites remain in old fixed width formatting... and many ad services can't deal with responsive formatting (yet). Eventually not only will all sites be in responsive formatting, but all ADS will be natively responsive -ie growing or contracting to fit the ad space (instead of requiring you to create and serve a bunch of different fixed ad sizes).
I've started to get ads that pop up now on my phone. Is it my phone or could it be from the ads here? :(
I have for the time being dropped the new advertising partner.

(1) We did not come close getting the kind of performance they promised prior to execution. Best I could come is about 80% of what we were doing beforehand - and I was hoping to do twice that.
(2) They need to work on their ad screening. I was getting a much higher rate of bad ads - redirects, etc. Thank you for sharing your bad ad feedback! What you see on the site is not the same as what I see.

I made a number of requests they are supposed to be looking into / working on, but I'm not wholly confident I am going to hear back from them. We just don't do enough ad revenue to warrant a lot of custom work on their part.
I prefer the rich sugar single sugar momma ads over the pop ups and phishy looking ones any day. :D Thanks!
The focus features ad is wreaking havoc on any page it appears on. Pulls the page down again and again as it loads, and makes everything slow...
The add at the bottom of this screenshot, the 'JARO 2017' one plays real loud music.
Is there a way you can ditch that please?

Screenshot from 2017-03-28 18-45-48.png
The other day I mentioned taking a look at the "skeletal remains of a flower" and today this showed up in banner :P

At least they are mining info correctly :)

Look at the guy in this picture!
Must be someone's first day using Photoshop or something.
Man.....that's bad work.
View attachment 296311
The cadet looks like a composite image of the faces of one cadet from every ethnicity.
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