Ability to delete a post

If you are aware early enough (20min) you can go to edit and Backspace the post out...
Been there done that...
I have tried that and ----no you can't or at least I can't.
She's looking pretty happy. Have you seen flowers yet?
She flowered profusely last fall after you shipped her this way. I suspect I'll see more later this summer when I'm not cutting back so often.

You guys are ruining a good protest thread with the addition of cool looking trees and serious discussion:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I will be putting together a protest at the corner of Hollywood and Vine this weekend to help motivate the management to fix this. We will assemble and turn over some cars, burn them, stomp and burn the US flag and call Trump an idiot.

"Smoke" grenades....lots of smoke grenades.
Nothing would justify burning the flag .
Nothing would justify burning the flag .

I DON'T KNOW....NOT BEING ABLE TO DELETE..pretty serious stuff!

edit: I wrote "shit", but decided that was crass. Thought about it and rewrote "stuff". I did this all before I pulled that hammer. For your protection, I changed shit to stuff, cause its dumb. Nobody should have to read shit here. Had I been able to delete, I could have written "shit" cause it's a good noun. Then, I could have come back here next week after I cooled down and changed it to stuff. I changed it now, before posting it so I wouldn't look silly....
I DON'T KNOW....NOT BEING ABLE TO DELETE..pretty serious stuff!

edit: I wrote "shit", but decided that was crass. Thought about it and rewrote "stuff". I did this all before I pulled that hammer. For your protection, I changed shit to stuff, cause its dumb. Nobody should have to read shit here. Had I been able to delete, I could have written "shit" cause it's a good noun. Then, I could have come back here next week after I cooled down and changed it to stuff. I changed it now, before posting it so I wouldn't look silly....

Next time I see you I'm gonna smack you in the head :)
That's a threat and he can delete it.
I have a screen shot just in case.
I can't pm it to you cause pics won't work in messaging.
But I have it. Lol
I will try to organize something locally to support the cause.
Vive la resistance
Me and Fred.

P.S. Bonsai Nut is the greatest
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What you haven't worried about is my ability to edit YOUR threads :) LOL!

Just kidding I don't do that unless I tag it... It is part of my "trust" contract with the users of this site :)
It's not like you'd photoshop Al into a compromising pose with a pink thong or some daisy dukes on...:eek::D
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