A True Bonsai Tree...


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Plymouth, Michigan
A really true Bonsai tree should be at least 100 years old & Created-Grown-Trained by a Japanese or Chinese Master Gardener in Japan or China...Anything else should be considered a Bonsai Look A Like.

A really true Penjing would also have to follow these Guidlines...
I have a lot of look alikes.
I don’t know what they look like but I have to bring them all inside soon.
A really true Bonsai tree should be at least 100 years old & Created-Grown-Trained by a Japanese or Chinese Master Gardener in Japan or China...Anything else should be considered a Bonsai Look A Like.

A really true Penjing would also have to follow these Guidlines...
Um, err, you know the "100 years old" thing is not even true in Japan.

Look through the trees and penjing here:
Specifically, ALL of the trees below are less than 66 years old. The penjing are less than 20 (except the Marybel Balendonk Chinese elm forest-fourth one in...It was made in 1970) Hell, Goshin in 66...all of these aren't bonsai?

You cannot analyze what is going on here without being really hurtful and insulting if you have taken time to look at Bolero's work.

I expected more of you Vance, sorry that you have turned out to be so Non-Thinking....
But seriously, Bonsai is not about true age. Many people are often concerned with physical age of trees. An inexperienced viewer often asks, “How old is it?” or “How old is the oldest bonsai?”. While is it is really cool that bonsai are often passed down through the generations in Japan and many trees have been in bonsai training for hundreds of years, this really isn’t what bonsai is about. Bonsai is the illusion of age. Gnarled trunks and branches tell a story of a tree that has battled the test of time and weather. Green foliage contrasting with twisting deadwood on a Juniper exhibits the duality of life and death.
Some of the best bonsai in the world is coming out of Europe and the United States. Yes bonsai began in Japan (inspired by Penjing from China), but it is by no means the be all and end all.

I expected more of you Vance, sorry that you have turned out to be so Non-Thinking....

Vance is not wrong

Vance...you disagreeing with me is fine but you could add something other than a putdown Eh...
When someone with your level of trees makes a statement like you have, you at inviting with open arms criticism at best and outright insults at worst. What is the point of this thread? Your body of work in bonsai tells me you actually might think this is true in your mind and it’s your way to make excuses for completely lacking trees. If you are trying to provoke thought or conversation, then you are failing miserably in my eyes.
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