Wow! Awesome find. Hard work...I know that feeling. You did great. I have not tried the plastic tent over the newly cut trunks. What can you tell me? Does it sit in the shade? How long? Any information would be seems to have worked excellent results for you.
Sure, happy to oblige...
looked back at the timestamps for the collection photos - was dug 4/26. If I remember correctly we had a spring similar to this one - a warm period in early April followed by a severe cold snap for about a week then warming temps again. Tips of the leaves that were just starting to emerge had frost burn on them when I went to collect the tree...
That's about how far along it was when I collected it.
I potted it up in my "wetland soil" recovery mixture which I've used in the past for trees I've taken out of marshy or damp loamy environments before transitioning them to more standard bonsai soils. Mix is 4 parts DE (napa oildry), 3 parts perlite, and 3 parts rough organic mulch...
...unsifted *ducks in anticipation of objects hurtling towards head*
I know, it goes against most everything you read about preparing soil mixes, but my collected hawthorns, privet, and lonicera that came out of wetter soils recover amazingly well in this. By the end of the season I usually have plenty of root.
Coated the cut branch stubs with Vaseline to keep the cuts from drying out. Watered it real well with a half strength mix of liquid fertilizer, and a dose of root enhancer -
Then I constructed a sort of greenhouse "hoop" armature out of wire and wrapped the entire box with a heavy clear plastic (forgot what it was called exactly, but got it from the paint/tarp section of home depot) then stapled the plastic all the way around the box and tied it at the top like a bread bag. Ended up looking something like this... (sorry for the very rough sketch, didn't have a pic of this step)
I then left it on the west side of the house where it got filtered sun from 11-5/6. I only watered it if the top of the soil seemed to dry out, which was once every 5 days or so. After About 2-3 weeks I started to notice buds forming, so I started opening the top of the plastic during the day for airflow so the buds didn't get any fungal infections, and closing it at night to hold in warmer air. By the second week of June the buds had gotten 1-2" long so I removed the plastic and moved the plant into full sun. Then I just watered when the top inch became dry and fertilized once a week throughout the growing season. It's been growing like a weed ever since.
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