A few Australian Natives...

There's a guy in Sweden growing one for a year or so indoors. Casuarina may just be more adaptable than we realize.
Ok I am sold, I am giving it a try just for curiosities sake 🤣. No telling if the seeds I’ll get are any good but I can say I gave it a go.
I have access to a lot of cool Australian natives. Sadly I've procrastinated for years about getting into natives.
By the way, the Melaleuca I got is M. armilaris. Do you have any experience with these?
By the way, the Melaleuca I got is M. armilaris. Do you have any experience with these?
There are literally hundreds of Mels so lots to experiment with. I have no direct experience with Armillaris, but it is very similar to M.Ericifolia (post #38) both in aesthetics and care I believe. I have seen one or two M. Armilaris that have been made into bonsai… they look great, a worthy bonsai candidate! 👍🏼
Here’s a recent repot of a Callistemon (bottlebrush) from about a month ago. It needed a rethink and a change of angle too. A lot of Aussie natives seem to prefer being repotted in the warmer months, which means that they don’t compete for attention at traditional repot times… very handy!

Another couple of repots from this weekend…both Melaleuca ericifolia. In terms of material for bonsai, I think this species rates as very promising at worst.
The first one had a change of pot, the second back into the same one and hoping for a bit more growth on the left before I jin that trunk and start to develop the final image I have in mind for it. Next repot for it will be positioned more to the left also with any luck.

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