No one freak out by the brutal cold that will be here in a few days

21 degrees this morning, 17 predicted for tomorrow. I replaced the frost blanket over all the trees until Sunday that night temps are supposed to go above 40 degrees. I have 2 trees that I repotted, O.Sweetgum and a momiji that I got from Brent that are resting inside the garage. A lot of the trees already started pushing leaves, elms, trident seedlings, J.Quinces... they are under the blanket, hopefully they will be fine.
I'm in a similar situation. Flagstaff, AZ we were in the high 50's and then now we got 18-24" of snow and lows in the teens. I have several species like yours that are already pushing buds and some small leaves (especially the katsura maples) and now having to keep a really close eye on them in the greenhouse!
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