An experiment to see if sieving matters for pond baskets and colanders
I was gonna see if you were still sifting for pots and not baskets.....
I went to see the hole size of your colanders and baskets....those pond baskets with the handles seem to have smaller holes than the Depot ones....
Soil does fall out. Unsifted soil will for sure...lessin you screen line em.
I wouldn't use it Unsifted anyway...
The fines...under 2mm, dusted and window screened, stay wet, and interlock so close, water pools at the top of baskets.
Eew. Those roots from the Hagedorn turface hating blog post come to mind.
I would use it for outdoor ficus, willow, forsythia....but only THIRSTY stuff...
And in an emergency.
We are not talking about fines...
We are talking about Unsifted....
So we must talk about inconsistency.
If one has ever payed attention while sifting an entire bag of 8822...
One will notice by the end....
You end up with less useful product per scoop.
"Contents may settle"
While the first plants you pot off top may do well...(larger particles)
The ones potted from the bottom of the bag may die.(smaller particles)
You don't know where the smaller particles will settle into your tree...
Even if a dense pocket doesn't rot roots, or never even gets wet (I've been witnessing this with sifted lately), it won't grow equal....
So for S&G...
Let's say a dense pocket grows roots worse...
And a dense pocket lands around a root you need bigger....
Leading to a lopsided future.
With equal soil.
You can again just prune back accordingly, knowing you'll get more even root growth.
I'd show you my lopsided elm cuz I didn't use good Soil in a nonscreenlined basket...
But it's time capsuled!
JKL spoke about control.
It applies everywhere.
Your 8822 Student.