
  1. muniz21

    Rescuing a dead Juniper?

    So I got what I think is (help me ID it please) just another normal chinese Juniper at a nursery yesterday. Guy told me it has looked this way for a couple months now. I got it really cheap but with the assurance it isn't dead. I got it home in a ripped bag with exposed rooting, which is...
  2. jbhampton31

    Shimpakus Browing after late.frost

    Hey... So have a question about 2 shimpaku's I have... Here in East TN zone 7a have been having some major temp swings this weekend.. We have been having 60 deg or higher weather during the day and the past 2 morning Sat and today Sunday the lows have been at 29 degs with freeze warnings for...
  3. raenstorming

    I could really use some styling advice for my Juniper procumbens 'Nana' cascade to-be.

    First off, I’m sorry these photos suck. I hope they’re okay enough to be useful. There’s an interesting branch (top of the trunk’s curve) that I plan on making the apex; I have it wired upwards into an S-shape already. Besides that, I’m stumped with what to do with the upper half of the tree’s...
  4. B

    How can I preserve this nebari while growing out this juniper?

    Hi guys, I just planted this juniper in a larger pot (not pictured). How can I preserve the nebari while I grow it out? Do I need to wire the roots in some way? Thanks!
  5. A

    Leggy old Itoigawa

    Bought this yesterday for a good price (<£100) at the Bonsai Boot sale (for our non-UK readers, a carboot sale is normally junk sold out of the back of a trunk, equivalent to a garage sale). It's gotten away from the previous owner but there is some great foliage tight to the trunk up at the...
  6. Z

    Air/ground-layering a tall (but young) Juniper?

    I recently came across a good deal on a Juniper chinensis 'Torulosa' at a small local nursery. It's about 7' tall and 1.2" thick near the base. It's currently in a 5 gallon nursery container with nursery soil mix. Only 40USD. The movement is subtle toward the base so I think this might make a...
  7. proninyaroslav

    Trunk bending and repotting in one season, is it safe?

    This is the Chinese juniper "blue alps". It has not been repotted by its previous owner for about 4 years. This season I decided to replant it (since the soil contains quite a lot of organic matter) and change the style by bending the trunk a little more downward in this area using guy wires...
  8. electraus

    How much foliage can you safely remove from junipers for an initial styling?

    Hello, I’m wondering how much foliage can be removed from rough stock junipers on an initial styling? I understand the percentage changes between species and even sub-species, so I’m most interested in Kishu and Itoigawa. Maybe procumbens as well for practice. My understanding is that itoigawa...
  9. rollwithak

    Western Juniper // Design Ideas help

    Hi Friends, I had been wanting a Western Juniper, as they are one of my favorite trees to see here in the Sierras, but these are seemingly hard to come by and very challenging to grow from seed. Low and behold, in late 2020, the Bonsai Nut Gods delivered and someone here on the site (won't...
  10. D

    My mom's juniper progression

    My mom bought this pencil thin juniper for $50 a few years back when I first was starting out and stopped at a bonsai nursery. Here's the tree right when she got it in August of 2021: Pencil thin, planted in a concrete container with glued on rubber feat and vaguely threaded onto some...
  11. P

    New Shimpaku Juniper Bonsai Advice

    I live in Canada BC where it is currently winter and nurseries haven't opened up their outdoor shrub sections yet, however, I found this Shimpaku Bonsai tree for sale in the indoor section of the nursery for Chinese new year. I bought it and placed it outside yesterday. it is currently snowing...
  12. B

    Second attempt on nursery juniper

    Hey guys! Here’s my second attempt on pruning / styling a nursery stock juniper. Looking for some feedback and what you guys think.
  13. F

    Juniper Being Stubborn on Layering & Possible ID

    Hello, I have identified a Chinese? Juniper with fairly good traits that I have been attempting to air layer for the past two years. The previous summer, I managed to strike roots on 1/5 of my attempts, but it had already begun to brown off and has since died. This fall, I attempted ~10...
  14. Ruddigger

    Rudd’s California Juniper #2

    It’s probably time to start a progress thread on this tree. I posted my initial styling in my Apprenticeship thread, but I’ll post the pictures again here. I initially styled this tree belonging to David Nguy in November 2022. There were a couple issues with this initial styling, first that...
  15. Apex37

    Blue Rug Juniper #1

    This tree has been on a ride. You can check back at this thread when I originally received it and the struggles I had with it: Over the past couple years I focused entirely on keeping the tree healthy. It’s over...
  16. TGBentsze

    Too long branches - way for back budding?

    So, I bought this juniper last year, around october for really cheap. It's a nice one for a beginner, but the branches are sooo long, is there a way I can fix it? I tought about twisting them around, maybe coiling them up, but that's just too risky for me. How can I promote back budding? Should...
  17. electraus

    How would you get started on this giant kishu?

    Hi everyone, I recently acquired this huge kishu from a bonsai nursery near me and am having trouble figuring out how to get started with a piece of material this large and raw. I don’t see any substantial interior branching and most of the foliage is on the larger, much less pliable branches...
  18. Chinese Juniper shito

    Chinese Juniper shito

    Has a large (for a shito) root ball. Will try to keep this small as long as possible.
  19. sacredasamouse

    Advice for Spring - Japanese Maple and Kallay Juniper

    Hey all, This is my first post here, and I'm pretty new to Bonsai! I'm sorry in advance if there are resources covering this topic, but I did my best deep dive before posting. I was able to pick up Tamukeyama Japanese Maple and Kallay Juniper saplings from a local nursery (only $15 each!). I'm...
  20. Apex37

    Wiring Question - Did I doom these branches?

    I’m still fairly new to wiring, even more so with using copper wire. I just did my first major wiring job on a shimpaku juniper I’ve had for a bit. Are these branches doomed? What can I do in the future to avoid this happening?
  21. Clicio

    Kishu literati juniper weird color difference.

    Hi folks. I've been keeping that little literati juniper for some years now. We are in the middle of our long Spring here - 4 months - and since late winter I've been noticing this color difference between its apex and the lower foliage. It doesn't happen to my other Kishu, itoigawa or shimpaku...
  22. Juniper penjing

    Juniper penjing

    Been working on this juniper penjing about 3 years. 16 inches tall. Plan to create a forest with more like it.
  23. Myrki

    New here. Ideas for this bonsai?

    Hello everyone. First post here. I got this juniper (not sure if Chinese, Japanese, etc), and I wired it as seen, kind of just going for something unique, not totally certain on eventual style. Anyway, I have done some light pruning/trimming on foliage which has 5+ tips growing out. Outside...
  24. Carapace

    Can I repot this in autumn

    Hi guys, I have a tiny twin trunk pfitz juniper and I was wondering if I can repot it in autumn, it is currently in it's garden center soil and so I might need to cut off quite a good amount of roots
  25. Viktor’s bonsai

    Juniperus Communis first work

    It’s time I actually made some well thought out good decisions on this in-ground Common juniper… This is what it looks like “pre-work” As you can see there is some movement lower down, all be it slight (for a juniper that is). Tho being a common juniper this is quite impressive since, they...
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