PIT-EKA Nipponanthemum nipponicum - “Nippon Daisy” for sale

Nice! If you can keep the flowers dry they will last a REALLY long time. Mine on the mother plants are already damage from a couple rain storms we had recently.
Yeah, I should have moved them, pouring down here at the moment. :(
One of your Nippon Daisies just where I left it when it came in last year!


I got really busy when it came in and had heaped soil around the pot, so it rooted right into the soil underneath. I actually discovered I’d left it alone when I moved the bench in front of it into storage. So I pruned it back and left it there all winter to see how it would do, with some bark chips around/atop the pot.

It got frost bite last week, but otherwise seems in good shape. I’m gonna get to it soon!… 😉

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My two mother plants are awake after spending the winter in the garage. The couple cuttings I took spent the winter inside under the lights.
Mine didn't die back like I expected here in Maine! No crazy protection aside from mulching in with leaves.

One is stronger than the other because it had access to some extra dirt in secondary pot. The stronger one is pushing, and the weaker one has barely done anything yet.

Here's the stronger one, I cut them both back a bit in the early fall just for ease of handling:

Mine didn't die back like I expected here in Maine! No crazy protection aside from mulching in with leaves.

One is stronger than the other because it had access to some extra dirt in secondary pot. The stronger one is pushing, and the weaker one has barely done anything yet.

Here's the stronger one, I cut them both back a bit in the early fall just for ease of handling:

View attachment 425243
Good growth there!
I think I'll have to repot them and give those roots some more space to breath, but we have plenty more frosts coming.
You can always throw a frost blanket over to protect it for a night.
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